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error on compi lua


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ok i and DjSt3rios finished the rpm + gear and we release the v1.0 tuday or tomorrow (and soon we will update whit v1.) and for stop get another persons build another rpm+gear( on us script) i complied the script whit tis complier [TOOL] LUAC GUI (Lua Compiler)

http://fabienwang.com/share/luacgui.zip (993KB)

and when i tested the complied lua ( script is client side and have 2 png images) i get droped out form server whit error downloading .png ) hm...? some idea ?

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bk are so many code stealer they change the color of the needel and they say hey i release my rpm bk that and if you see bk the topics i get help for 1-2 problems( and only that "hm i think here is the problem" not code on my part after i helped DjSt3rios 50% of codes are my codes and i don't wanna to another persons release rpm's on my script i spend abaout 1 and half hour only whit math to calculate the rpm for gears so .... who wana make rpm i give him the start ) so if you like it ok if not then don't write i sak help not why i sould compli my files ..... :?

I want to protect my part of codes( what i make myself and yes DjSt3rios get helped whit start of codes but .... )

+ i deleted the part of codes bk i don't get helped on that part of codes :P

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hmm JR10 yes you right never mind i will release whitout compling and thanks for the new complier Remix-X have funn stealing my script !!! and on rpm +gear new update release ( if you are so big guy wh you don't come whit and idea on being no you are only big guy on criticize other works so pls try don't post any more on my post i don't like you )

see JR10 came whit an opinion and the answer for my question i like perons like him thx JR10 you are a good man xD ( not like you why you do this why you think if you say something anothers will make it i don't think so )

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I understand you don't want to have your scripts being stealed by nubcakes, but bear in mind that decompiling is as easy as compiling is. Accordig to Zango and Orange there was some way to prevent that, but even then it wasn't fully secure.

And wtf, stupid iPhone cut off my message :( I thought I included a link to another compiler.

Remix-X have funn stealing my script !!! ..and on..

Lolwut, I don't get it. Why would I ever steal your script? I got no intention to do that at all, don't accuse me for nothing :(

Also, when did I ever criticize your script? Actually, I think you did a very good job! There are no native functions to get the vehicle RPM, so you had to make these on your own. That's pretty neat you accomplished that ;)

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