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Chaos server cloud

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Hello guys.

I know I already created two topics, and this one is to prevent creating two more.

Instead of talking about each single one of my servers, I want to talk about all of them together.

The chaos.de.to community is different to any other community.

Not only because people all over the world are playing almost lag-free gamemodes.

I decided to grow all servers together.

Zombie mode,




and - if Jasper allowes it - RPG

are all part of one big cloud system.

The goal is that you can be playing together with all players on all servers, even though you like different gamemodes and prefer climbing to senseless slaughter. Also, you should be able to switch servers with the blink of your eye soon.

Since the resource system they use has been grown-together for ages you can guess that the changes in HUD, anticheat or else in one server automatically are set up in all the other servers, too.

That means creating four different topics about each of my servers makes no sense.

Edited by Guest
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Its using callRemote for that, but its a bit more complicated since I don't want servers I don't know to be able to join the chat relay.

The "main resource", the one which gets triggered by server-internal events is based on the concept that there is one server somewhere invisible which does the chat and command relay, and the other servers have to ask that one server for permission to join.

If that server shuts down they'll use a backup one which has the same abilities as the first one.

But thats not really what I had in mind, I wanted it P2P style, but currently that would provide security holes.

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It was fun to script it "the basic way", but thank you.

Can you also make it that passworded pakets are ignored by the http antispam?

I don't want to raise the http paket count, after all it helps against people spamming http pakets.

And whats a bit annoying too is the fact that you have to add ALL resources with a remote-callable function in the ACL and forbit access for http guest. If you forget one its a security hole.

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