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Alternative Serverviewer

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Hello Guys,

since i don´t like Gamemonitors Defaults Pictures for Mta i thought about creating a little Serverviewer-Service.

So if someone likes it, he can use it.

Here you go...

Big (309x97):








Small (350 x 15):


When i got time im going to add small Signatures and a Html Version (like Gamemonitor)

with a Graph and Scores of any Player.


IP=Hostname / IP-Adress

PORT=UDP Serverport (Standard = 22126)

An additional UDP port needs to be available for this

work (value from + 123 , so on a default value 22003 the right port

will be 22126

IMG=1 - 9999

URL=The Siteurl




I would be happy if someone could contribute some pictures,

(png, with / without transparency, 309x97 / 350x15)


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Hello Gothem,

ive added your Signature but it seems like your UDP Port is closed for some reason.

I noticed that Game-Monitor.com cant evaluate your Playerlist, while others got a Playerlist with Score, etc. got them.

Please check your Port and your mtaserver.conf, ive tryed to talk to some MTA devs but it seems that those

who would like to help me, got no idea, why Game-Monitor can use the Socket Connection to receive Informations

about the Amount of the Players / Map / Gamename, while any other methode doesn't return a value.

And i cant really appreciate why your Serverplayers does not appears at Gamemonitor. Maybe its a other Port

but its not 22003 + 123 who Game-Monitor.com is receiving the Informations.

Its working with other Servers, maybe some Dev could explain me/us why the additional UDP Port is closed (Firewall ?)

but IF something is really blocking the Connection, why Game-Monitor gets packets ?

Here`s your Signature (with a Default Server IP):

http://irace-team.net/Forum/Stats/Serve ... m&SIZE=BIG


http://irace-team.net/Forum/Stats/Serve ... m&SIZE=BIG


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  • 8 months later...

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