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aBoneList = {} 
--right leg 
aBoneList[54] = 53; 
aBoneList[53] = 52; 
aBoneList[52] = 51; 
aBoneList[51] = 1; 
--left leg 
aBoneList[44] = 43; 
aBoneList[43] = 42; 
aBoneList[42] = 41; 
aBoneList[41] = 1; 
aBoneList[1] = 2; 
aBoneList[2] = 3; 
aBoneList[3] = 4; 
--right arm 
aBoneList[26] = 25; 
aBoneList[25] = 24; 
aBoneList[24] = 23; 
aBoneList[23] = 22; 
aBoneList[21] = 22; 
--right arm 
aBoneList[36] = 35; 
aBoneList[35] = 34; 
aBoneList[34] = 33; 
aBoneList[33] = 32; 
aBoneList[31] = 32; 
aBoneList[4] = 6; 
aBoneList[6] = 7; 
aBoneList[7] = 4; 
aBoneList[32] = 41; 
aBoneList[22] = 51; 
aBoneFarList = {} 
--right leg 
aBoneFarList [54] = 51; 
--left leg 
aBoneFarList [44] = 41; 
aBoneFarList [1] = 4; 
--right arm 
aBoneFarList [26] = 22; 
--right arm 
aBoneFarList [36] = 32; 
aBoneFarList [6] = 7; 
aBoneFarList [32] = 41; 
aBoneFarList [22] = 51; 
function drawPedBones (ped) 
    local aList = {}; 
    if isElement(ped) then 
        local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix(); 
        local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped); 
        local fDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz); 
        if fDistance < 50 then 
            aList = aBoneList; 
        elseif fDistance < 300 then 
            aList = aBoneFarList; 
        for iFrom,iTo in pairs(aList) do 
            local x1,y1,z1 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iFrom); 
            local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iTo); 
            if not (x1 or x2) then 
            local screenX1, screenY1 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x1,y1,z1 ); 
            local screenX2, screenY2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x2,y2,z2 ); 
            local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam" class="kw2">getPlayerTeam" class="kw2">getPlayerTeam" class="kw2">getPlayerTeam( ped ); 
            local red,green,blue = 0,0,0; 
            if playerTeam then 
                red,green,blue = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) 
            if screenX1 and screenX2 then 
                dxDrawLine ( screenX1, screenY1, screenX2, screenY2, tocolor(red,green,blue,255) ); 

Uses less GFX speed - all DX funktions have the drawback that they are pushed through the pipe, which is the bottleneck of a GFX card.

I dont really understand how, but your code add more 4~6 fps, thanx)

he doesn't load all the bones if ped is far away.

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  • 4 months later...


-Total remaking of engine

-Added exports

-Fixed some debug errors

For see exports go to: Mta wiki page

btw i suggest you adding something like a dot to place where the bone is located, imo would look better.

Ye, i thik its will be looks better, but drawing alot of lines can take alot of perfomance.

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It DOES hurt the performance.

GFX cards are weird, and no matter what you do, there'll always be SOMEONE who has problems with it.

Thats why I am trying shaders and such stuff on three different laptops before I release them.

Quite the trouble.

Best example is the dxLines, normally I can draw about 100 on Laptop1 without losing 1 fps, Laptop2 (which normally has the better specs) can only do 50 and drops from 100 to 60 FPS.

Its all about how the hardware handles the problem...

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