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[ pay ] buying RPG script or seeking scripter


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Hello. i'm making a RPG server. here in some time.

First. i'm Shayne. and i'am looking For scripter or Just a script that does have The things want in The server,

i have been looking around on the Mtasa.com but i will se if i can buy better scripts.

or any scripters.

I pay the scripter or the script then is finish

i got money th 1st. day in the month. so take Good time.

contact me on my Email:

[email protected]


spawn point in LV Hall

This script should do so Every new people will spawn at LV Hall

With a pop-up with Rules, and credits

police Scipt

there are few steps in this i want.

a, arrest and un-arrest

1 jail in LVPD Jail Room

2 police cant get any stars if they shoot/ kill the wanted people.

3 the jail time for 1 star is 60 sec

4 Gates, only Police team can open, to jail and to the Other rooms

b, Wanted levels, people will gets stars if they:

1 drive to fast that will say if you driver More Then 160 kph = 1 star

2 if you kill some one = 3 stars

3 if you kill a cop = 4 stars

4 if you shoot after anyone and hit some one = 1 star

5 if the cops are near you then you are gun or drug dealer and you sell = 1 star

6 then you steal others´car = 1 star

7 then you steal cops car = 2 star

c, cops should spawn with:

1 Tazer = shothun

2 pistol

3 night stick

vehicle script

a, 2 car shops. in Lv just somewhere

1 make so you can make sports or moterbikes Or what ever there is.

2 really importan. if its possible make Plane shop and boat shop

3 a script to lock/unlock car.

4 turn light on

Class / team script

a, There are 5 class / teams


1 civil

2 police

3 gangs

4 drug dealer

5 gun dealer

b, these Class only spawn in LV

[center][b]Money script[/b][/center]

a, money sciprt are important

1 then you die you loss 1000$ for revive

2 then you dont have anof Money you cant Loss anything.

3 make pay day every 24 min so then the time is 24:00 you will get paid.

[center][b]Hospital script[/b][/center]

a, hospital will be that place you respawn then you die.

[center][b]Food, Clothes, Ammu shop scripts[/b][/center]

a, this script should do so then you buy food you Health will restore to 100%

1 and clothes shop will be that place where you can change skin.

2 Ammu is there you can buy pistol and melee weapons only

[center][b]Weapon script[/b][/center]

a, this script will be nice.. so you can only shot if you aim first if Not then you can shoot.

[center][b]Bank scipts[/b][/center]

a, we will always need a bank for restore you money if you dont wanna loss them.

[center][b]drug Dealer / gun dealer script[/b][/center]

a this are the script there sell's weed and guns, only these can sell to other Players.

1 Maximun 1 of each.

[center][b]House script[/b][/center]

a house script to players so they can buy there own house. to be safe.

1 players can invite Other plater to the house for party or else

2 players can lock there own house.

[center][b]admin script[/b][/center]

a, there Will be need for a very good admin panel so the admins can control the server. and keep it safe.

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... yea but I thing Its harder to make GameMode In Sa-mp..

but the there are many rescources you can just download and edit. so

the Creator of The script wil set the Price. and then i buy the script no one will ever get it. Only me.

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Making a good and full RP script like this take a lots of time...

It's not because the lua scripting langage is easier than the PAWN one that it's shorter to make a script.

Me and Citizen are on a RP script since November 2009 and it's not finished ( we want a perfect script )

So if you take only one scripter he is gonna be fed up I think, even for money...

The best way to have what you want is starting learning LUA in MTA so you can modify the script easier because you'll understand your sheets...

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If I was you I would search more.

I found almost all these things as downloadable resources at community.

Just find: jrgm, bank, vehiclelights, joinmoney, vehicles-system, new-mabako_services, admin (you already have it), adminpolice (just delete all non-needed stuff, very easy), lock, housing_system

Others you can find in Wiki by searching. Just copypaste and read what it says to learn.

Easy mate. Good luck.

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If I was you I would search more.

I found almost all these things as downloadable resources at community.

Just find: jrgm, bank, vehiclelights, joinmoney, vehicles-system, new-mabako_services, admin (you already have it), adminpolice (just delete all non-needed stuff, very easy), lock, housing_system

Others you can find in Wiki by searching. Just copypaste and read what it says to learn.

Easy mate. Good luck.

This makes no sense, just some stuff it's at the MTA community, but most isn't there.

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i know i already use those things on Mta Community. and its not work so good as that i think is was. the Jrgm script is good but not Workin right.

its will be bettter if the things has ben Fixet and all that before use/ download. thats the Problem people just posting there script and the most of Them are full of bugs.

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i know. i just say. its nice people make those script Its really Nice and I like The Most of them but there are bugs there sometimes not should be there. if you understand. i know people use so much time to make those and every script I download i rate 3-4 and the most of them got 5 because they makes it and its good and there will always be a bug. because people are using 10 script at the time and that can sometimes break other script. i'am Just telling and i know The creator of The script knows There are bug's maybe.

just Time i think there should be a system on the Community so the scripter can set 1-10$ for a script and then bigger then more Money should the script cost.

without scripter are There none Rp or Dm or what Else.

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Just 40-80$...? I've made my own RPG script on SA-MP and I can say that it isn't easier to make it on lua :D

I don't agree, for me lua it's easier than pwn and when you miss a ; at only 1 line, when you compil it, it says 26 or 36 errors ( IDK ) and never the correct line but mta no needs any compilation and most of all it says that you missed a ) ( for exemple ) and where :o

It's easier than pwn but it's difficult and it take a very long time ( I started my French RPG with Famas in November 2009 and it's not finished ! )

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