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Quick hosting tutorial?



How can I host mta? I do not understan the concept really. Could I get hosting with godaddy.com and use that db for my mta server but how do I host the actual mtaserver.exe? And what's the difference between web hosting and a dedicated host? If someone could please clear these questions up for me and help me learn I'd appreciate it thanks guys.

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Web hosting providers offer space to "house" your website. Plans (prices, duration's, space, etc.) vary depending on the company you choose. You cannot get your mtaserver hosted by a web hosting provider, only a website.

Dedicated hosting is a “rent” of pre-configured full-fledged server from the hosting provider. You don't share this server (and its resources) with any other users – it's only under your control. That's it. You can install/uninstall any software of your choice, herein run your mtaserver. Dedicated hosting is expensive because you pay for an entire (physical) server, however do you plan on running multiple servers and host a website I suggest this. If not, it's simply a waste of money.

Game server hosting is what you're looking for. They host your gameserver (in this case MTA server), provide tools and utilities to run your server and offer technical assistance. Click here to get a list of these providers for MTA. Watch out though, there's a few dodgy ones. I'd suggest BuSign, gta multi or what has a few good comments and a professional website.

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