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Is it link or not!?


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in the new zelda for gc, who the hell is the new guy, everything says he link, the manuals and walkthrough and everything else, but in the beginning he just looks like link and his mom says a story about a kid who saved the would(link) along time ago and since its his 13th birthday he has to dress like him and the ganon's bird takes his sister and you go on aquest to save the world again, but does that meen ur not even link?, that pisses me off if that is true.

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wow, thats really stupid if it is. i really dont like what nintendo has done with mario and zelda.

the 120 stars thing was cool, and captured the spirit of mario in 3d. but luigi's mansion, mario sunshine, and zelda: windy city (i cant remember the real name :) ) are the worst ideas for the main releases of these games. btw: zelda in cell-shading just does not work for me. i think they sould have released LM & MS after a better mario game, and ZWC should not be cell-shaded, and it should be link.

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Wel, now that i think, technickly it isnt link its just some look alike. But abut cell shading, trust me ats actually quite cool, but the game is fun (got a 10 out of 10 from GI, my fav mag) But it is very dissapionting, just as much as the fact that mario got blamed for dirtiieng up the god damn island! Also as dissapointing as sega leaving the console bissness and the retarded endoing of shemue and how it got cancelled on dreamcast, yet i got the europeon import. hmm

what r soe other thing that dissapionted you people in video games?

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