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New objects!


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Those sorts of objects can be easily created by anyone who knows how to 3D model, and the particle effects etc can already be scripted with MTA's existing functions. I prefer MTA's approach of creating a superior and far more flexible framework for server operators to develop their own content (including new objects), than the approach SAMP takes. I wouldn't be surprised if those objects are the only non-stock items SAMP servers can use...

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  Sir_bomber said:
SAMP added some new objects! http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Samp_objects And they are pretty awesome! I would ask if it could be added to the MTA MAP editor please? :D



Samp have only a +1 on this :

Their custom objects can have all the sa features :

1) can be dynamic

2) can be destructible

3) can have animated UV

4) other fun things maybe ...

You can see that there :

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3fUJWwl ... er&list=UL

and on other new samp videos

they can use animated texture easily, something I never see in MTA and maybe custom destructible stuff

but I cant very give a +1 to samp , because its simply adding some stuff in the gta3.img like in gta sa solo and start samp,

something possible in MTA : YES

something people will do in MTA : NO , because of the importing scripting function

of course all the players need to add this new stuff in the gta3.img or in other .img archives, because of course I think people from MTA know the answer ... samp sux !

Just for that the new version of samp attract more scripter and 3D modeler of the gta sa solo, its bad because MTA is very better and I dont understand why MTA and samp cant get together. :?

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