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Something stupid I've done.



I've got a big problem, I made a big-ass map that I've spended hours and hours to create. But I had a bug so I deleted MTA:SA but when the text message "Do you want to remove all the other files too?" I pressed "Yes" without thinking about my actual map! So now I'm really f'ed. Does anyone know how I can return the map files I had in that folder? I searched my whole PC and it's not in the bin. Also used the search function but couldn't find anything!

Can I get my files back in any way? I also didn't made a backup SO STUPID!

I hope anyone knows how to get it back.



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18 answers to this question

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robhol - it depends.

Raymond: There is a lot of tools to recover files. Most of them suck and won't help you. There is one good (but results are not guarranted anyway) - but:

1. It will restore all files of specified type (in this case: text files) (probably you will get thousands of files!)

2. You need addional storage to store recovered files (ANY SAVE OPERATION ON YOUR DISK = lowering chances to restore) [this matches for ANY restoring app]

3. It will take about 6h to restore files from 120GB HDD. If you got more - you may need even few days for it. Depends of size, fragmentation, disk speed.

4. This tool isn't perfect. Sometimes it restores few GB of data, because it thinks it is one file (well, searching throguh rubbish (all deleted stuff mixed up) isn't probably simple) - so you really need your place-to-save-restored-files to have A LOT of free space - or operation will break, and you will need to start it over again! You can browse files while they are being recovered.


1. Smaller, free, not often giving any results: Restoration

2. Bigger (40MB?), NOT FREE, sucks, but ppl like it (dunno why, never restored anything with this) OnTrack Easy Recovery

3. Small, free, best, but not supporting searching for files, but recovering everything of specified site, almost not having GUI, TestDisk (and it's part: PhotoRecovery - you need to run this one!)

Search for download links on Google.

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Read this:

-System restore will NOT work. Ever. System restore will only restore files that are affected by (how can it be else) the system. So that contains updates, programs, drivers and that kind of stuff. Not your personal folders.

-Now, do you have WinXP or anything newer? If newer, read on. If XP, I'm not sure, but that system doesn't have the following option.

Right-mouse-click on the folder where your maps where before. Click properties, and select the tab "previous versions". If there's something inside, you are probably rescued. If not, then you are probably screwed. You could try some recovery program as told before by other posters.

Click here for more information about that "Previous Versions". Skip to paragraph 2.1 to see how it's done with MW2, but works the same for everything else.

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