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[WIP][GM] Gangsta RPG


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Hello, I am gonna make an RPG game mode. I will release all BETA's I got. So I hope I can make it. :)

The work progress are here down:

Save system: 40%

Animation system: 45% (Looking at MTA: Paradise animation system, it looks a little bit like that one)

HUD: 0% (Can somebody code this for me/help me coding it)

Chat system: 30%

Vehicle system: 30%%(Fuel, modshop etc. Not buy vehicle)

Bank system: 60% (Used 50P's bank system as base)

Payday: 40% (Bank system must be fully then I can code bank rent)(Automatic every hour payday $200(you can changethis))

Gui's: 20%(Server side codes not in here)

A few jobs(Medic, cops, ?): 0% (First gonna code all the other things)

Mapping(ONLY GROVE STREET! Maybe we will map soem more in other BETA's): 100%

Total(Not whit calculator): 25%

Do you want to help? Say it then down here. All help is welcome. :D Or add me on MSN: [email protected]

EDIT: For the people who don't know this these are a few resources that are a complete game mode. There isn't really a base.

Already released BETA resources:

Animations BETA(Updated for the guys who think it is "bugged")



Got bugs? Please report it down here

P.S. I want an ID system that placed too in a dxScoreboard. Can somebody make this. Because it is handy if you do /pm 9 Hello! Back online! Then: /pm [uRP]Danny~Superbaas Hello! Back online!

Latest release things:

- Removed chat system(Will release this 100%) 
- Better animations 
- New Version script 
- And more(dunno what ) 



- Keven (Main scripter and editor)

- kkidd5 (Scripter, some resources)

- lil_Toady (Admin panel)

- 50P(Base for the bank(didn't edit YET))

- Dakilla (Blood(Maybe I will remove it dunno))

- TrueLife (Editing blood whit better graphics(I like the graphics))

- Nidza (Carramming that is totaly bugged! Will remove it if I am you.)

- Awwu (DXscoreboard)

- Castillo (Computer system)

- Test Gangsta RPG on the test server. mtasa://

Edited by Guest
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Right. I will be working this out in Friday. (I can't work on Monday - Thursday, school business ahead.)

I don't need to put a chatbox as it was already there.

Before I work on this, I have some questions:

1. Where should I put the ammo? Beside, Above, or under the weapon icon or somewhere else?

2. Do you need something like DX rectangles for design?

3. What font do you want for time & ammo? Here are the choices:

- "default": Tahoma

- "default-bold": Tahoma Bold

- "clear": Verdana

- "arial": Arial

- "sans": Microsoft Sans Serif

- "pricedown": Pricedown (GTA's theme text)

- "bankgothic": Bank Gothic Medium

- "diploma": Diploma Regular

- "beckett": Beckett Regular

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W00T! First BETA released! Post down here the bugs(If you got)

I wanted to thanks kkidd5 for his help. If I don't got his help then maybe tomorrow the first BEAT will be released.

(Carram is bugged I know)

Got any problems list it down here?

P.S. This ZIP file are resources inside! ANd the mtaserver.conf(my if you want it realy handy)

Enjoy! :P

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Developer test maybe? :P

kevenz, I'm making the HUD right now. I'll be posting the progress.

Progress right now: 50%

Well, just finished the design. Now I have to script all over again. At least it will be better in the end.

Here's what it looks like. I'm trying to follow the layout.


Info: The weapon icons is still a placeholder, you'll see it when the HUD is finished.

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I will do it for you when I am done. @XX3 Nice HUD, but by your alternate HUD where a few things bugged. When you swim you saw that by GTA:SA HUD can you make here that you see a bar then above the armor? And wanted stars. Can you make that above the mini map? I really like it! Can't wait until it will be released.

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personally i think this gamemode will be .. as other "big" scripts - fail. never finished, etc.

you are gathering script from community, maybe add something by yourself..

and you are already at 20%.

my gamemode is much more smaller than RPG, and i got to ~24% after 3 weeks of everyday work on scripts (and lol, this doesnt mean i cant script :P).. and i have long way to go..

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