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What MTA need absolutely !!! Anim UV !!!


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Hey kids I think adding animated gif for MTA is a little bit complicated , because in solo we cant do that , the txd cant use gif, "but what the hell ! I see a casino with an animated picture" , yes of course thats anim UV, some (very a small number)gta sa default objects use anim UV and they work in MTA, but we cant make new anim UV on custom models !!! :x

MTA want to make possible all the things we can do in gta sa solo, so I think its time to think about that famous custom anim UV to make this thing working in MTA not just in gta sa solo. Yes its work in gta sa solo look :


Just think about all the things we can do !!!

and a big part of the good sdk can have animated picture in their maps :)

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stage resource can be modified to use it to make cutscene (cutscene is like an Kinematics, because im not the best in english) , just need to put the reccording of the camera matrix in a script and play it (the camera movement) in a map, it could be like the track mania media tracker, another of my suggestion and what MTA need, but we will try to stay on topic now xD !

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I see a tutorial on this, its simple and you just need dff, col and txd for the model, MTA cant use the other gta sa file for example the animation files, but the animation of the texture is saved in the dff with deniska script so after dff is ready . You have 2 kind of anim UV, you can animate one texture by moving it or rotate it, scale it maybe and you can use alot of pictures to make a movie or other kind of advanced UV animation. Something is missing in the MTA streamer to make that Anim UV working like in gta solo.

So if they make the custom objects streamer perfect this feature will work, I think its the next step, because I test alot of custom objects features.

I forget the link of the tutorial I see :

http://www.x-squares.com/TAG/i/7/Creati ... ation.aspx :mrgreen:

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I make an custom object very simple with anim UV working in gta solo and I open the dff code with RW analyse its look like that :


So we can see the anim UV code, isnt in the clump like all the other.

I try to put the anim UV code at different place but still no sucess, look like MTA ignore this feature !

work only in gta sa solo

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Yeah i totally suport this.

And the module name is texturizer, but in true, by txd is much easier. Since is handled by gta.

Just a fast question for people who works with Textures and Models:

fddfdf.png and the Mirror's reflections

/\ They can be done by the sameway of Animated UV? Or these techniques are more advanced? Or aren't possible by textures/model info.

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This is interesting, I remember this thing now.

This is not a mirror, it's a camera that show a gta sa environment, it have been integrated in the gta sa code. The MTA client have not removed this thing. It is impossible to do that in MTA, a custom one. This cant be done with anim UV.

So MTA will need to implement a new feature for this, camera can be done in MTA, but not in a 3D environment, im not sure, maybe you can take a picture of the environment at each frames and display them on a TXD.

In mta new engine options:


-shadow optons


Should be :o nice !

reflection are already there, dynamic shadow also, but the limit sux. why option ?


Kams script feature that work in MTA :

- Reflection picture

- color without texture

- strange dynamic prelightning

- level of transparency ... not working properly

- I never try the alpha mask (this is not the alpha channel, alpha channel is a texture (TXD) feature)

- vertex color = static prelightning

Deniska feature that work in MTA :

-day/night vertex color

-bump map with enb serie

looks like this can be done by using a module, "Texturer".

I dont very understand it for the moment, I will like to see a video of that with an animated texture using only 1 texture. BTW anim UV can be a hard way to animate texture for alot of people, first you need 3ds max, but it will be just good if the custom object function can be improve. I can said a problem right now on them , the opacity level of transparency is buggy.

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  • 5 months later...

Yeah dude! Shaders FTW! I really loved them.

Also I seen engineGetModelNameFromID, engineGetModelIDFromName and engineGetModelTextureNames! (sadly the page of these functions aren't made yet), woah! I can't wait anymore for 1.1.0! :D :D :D

Everybody! Thumbs up to the team! :arrowup: :arrowup:

EDIT: Oh lol I reached 500 posts, I didn't saw that :lol:.

EDIT2: Oh yep also my setVehicleShadowColor() idea should be possible this time :).

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  • 5 months later...

Oh yea man. Today is 25 December and we still doesn't has a code for load anim UV and stuff.

MTA should do something because i notice that people is getting bored with the same style maps with no difference.

We just use the same standard GTA objects!!

I think MTA team is very busy with other things. If we wan't UV animations in game we have to try to do by ourselves! (and i dont know how xD)

Anyway I'm looking for dff engine in MTA Source.... maybe i find something to add :D

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Oh yea man. Today is 25 December and we still doesn't has a code for load anim UV and stuff.

MTA should do something because i notice that people is getting bored with the same style maps with no difference.

We just use the same standard GTA objects!!

I think MTA team is very busy with other things. If we wan't UV animations in game we have to try to do by ourselves! (and i dont know how xD)

Anyway I'm looking for dff engine in MTA Source.... maybe i find something to add :D

LoL Dude ! I already said , this is possible using shaders :mrgreen:

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