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Things i'd like to see...


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more cars... obviously, maybe put a respawn time on them or something so u dont have an empty lot at spawn

activate stunts... not neccesarly for the money... but to see what stunts you are doing. this probably would be client side... no harm done to bandwidth.

activate amunation and garages and such. this also would be client side. im supposing.

adding a console or some time of thing to look back at what people have said... possibly one that scrolls.

a stats page.. much like counter-strike or other half life... with player name. and the number of the person (read in previous post that changes the radar blip to a number) and ammount of kills/deaths... ping might consume bandwidth... dont know how half-life relays that :\

a setting to allow cheats... or atleast allow the car cheats incase u get stranded without one.. just make it so theres a timer so u dont spam piles of cars...

the multiplicity thing is a great idea... keeping it so singleplayer is not interfeard(spelling).

some other stuff ill reply if i think of any more

those are the things i'd like to see happen to this in later versions of mta, if not early.

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yeah I agree with all of those, I would also like to see gangs implimented more, like if you are a Biker gang your leader could start a game and see a list of all who is waiting for a game... then he can pick his gang members and you will all start out at the Greasy Chopper in Vice City. Or if you are Mafia you will start at the Vercetti estate or somthing.

I also think that for these spawn points since there could be a large amount op players at each one there should be a large amount of vehicles to go with them. If your biker gang spawns at the Greasy Chopper with 15 members there should be 15 bikes. This can be done with the parked car editior and can be relased in an edited "main.scm" file (somtimes comes with a savegame file) much like was done with ODIE's Stunt Park. If this could be done for each area I think it could really add a new aspect and purpouse for the gangs.

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I agree all of those i would love to see but they probually wont put it so its prob just a idea for 0.3... people should post alot when the first comes out so they get ideas on how to make it you know but thats for next.. i bet MTA is copying all there ideas on a peice of paper and when they make it add it or something...i ageee with everything!! :D:D

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it should be a option "respawn cars if inactive for x minutes" if ya gonna do some stunts it would be sad if the cars just go away :wink:

Active stunts: YES

Active ammunation yes but not garages, I just see no point in that :)

That console, eh no need just alt tab out and look, takes less then 10 secs :)

That stats page would be fine...

ye that's pretty much it :)

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That console, eh no need just alt tab out and look, takes less then 10 secs :)

Minimizing Vice city or going into your menu causes syncing problems between you and other clients....e.g if you were gonna start a race at a green light, he would see it at a different time than you

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