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MTA:SA show the ID of real SA objects


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Well, I make maps of DM Race for MTA:SA 1.0.4, and its really annoying when you want put a object in your map what do you know where it is but you don't know the ID. Its can solved adding a function for MTA show the ID of the real objects of SA when you look for it, like in the Map, but in the real SA map:

Example: When you aim to it the MTA should show: 'Object id: 912', you can't select the object, but you can take the ID and search for it in the objects type and put on your map, easier

One question: Is this my idea can be implemented even in the MTA: SA 1.1? If the developers want, of course

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  • 1 month later...
Some peoples don't want open with MED (as me, and I can't run it [Windows 7 Ultimate])

It runs fine on Windows 7. Set it compatible for Windows 2000 and run as admin.

And if this is implemented, it should seriously be a toggle-able feature. Like, seriously no kidding whatsoever.

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