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race map acting totally weird?


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hi there, ive been making a race map lately, and i used copy to create all the checkpoints(so i didnt have to change all checkpoints into rings manually, but when i try to start it up i get some weird error, the race continues with only 10 checkpoints(i made 63) and after 6 checkpoints they wont work anymore...

[2010-07-19 19:25:38] Resources: 225 loaded, 0 failed

[2010-07-19 19:25:38] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success!

[2010-07-19 19:25:39] Starting resources.........................

[2010-07-19 19:25:40] Server started and is ready to accept connections!

[2010-07-19 19:27:10] CONNECT: WallMart connected (IP: Serial: 42A5889F6F1499F76D56F58910A42CE2 Version: 1.0.4-9.01854.0)

[2010-07-19 19:27:11] JOIN: WallMart joined the game (IP:

[2010-07-19 19:27:23] Stopping play

[2010-07-19 19:27:23] Stopping freeroam

[2010-07-19 19:27:23] Starting race

[2010-07-19 19:27:24] Starting killmessages

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] WARNING: scoreboard_http.lua(Line 17) [server] getClientName is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getPlayerName.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Some files in 'scoreboard' use deprecated functions.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] INFO: Race resource starting

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Starting race_toptimes

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] start: Resource 'race_toptimes' started

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Starting race_traffic_sensor

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] start: Resource 'race_traffic_sensor' started

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] INFO: Race onGamemodeStart

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] WARNING: kwktotaldestruction\destruction.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'call'

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Gamemode 'Race' started by Console.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] start: Resource 'race' started

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Starting COOLRACE

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] WARNING: kwktotaldestruction\destruction.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'call'

[2010-07-19 19:27:26] INFO: onGamemodeMapStart(COOLRACE)

[2010-07-19 19:27:26] Map 'Messing wif Gravity' started.

[2010-07-19 19:27:26] start: Resource 'COOLRACE' started

[2010-07-19 19:27:26] INFO: Loaded race mode Sprint

[2010-07-19 19:33:06] QUIT: WallMart left the game [Quit]

[2010-07-19 19:33:06] INFO: Stopping map

ignore the kwkdestruction thing, it hasnt got anything to do with the error i get... or does it?

well if anyone can tell me whats the problem pi would be gratefull ;)

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There's nothing wrong with, except some bugs.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] WARNING: scoreboard_http.lua(Line 17) [server] getClientName is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with getPlayerName.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Some files in 'scoreboard' use deprecated functions.

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] Use the 'upgrade' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.

You need to type "upgrade" in the console, wait a while and it would be fixed

[2010-07-19 19:27:25] WARNING: kwktotaldestruction\destruction.lua:52: Bad argument @ 'call'

A script bug, I don't know what's wrong with it. But it's a warning, not an error, so it can keep on running with it :D

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