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Is it possible to get the number of "alive" and "death" of every player then?

function checkPlayers()
local players = getElementsByType("player")
for everyone,player in ipairs(players) do
local state = getElementData(player, "state")
-- ?
       playedPlayers = alive+dead
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), checkPlayers)

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you can simply count them yourself if you set up an easy function:

function getAliveRacePlayers()
local playertable = {} -- create an empty table
for index,player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do -- loop through all players
if getElementData(player,"state") == "alive" then -- check if race considers them alive
table.insert(playertable,player) -- insert the player in our table if he's alive
return playertable -- return the table to whatever called the function

all you need to do then is this to check how many players are alive:

#getAliveRacePlayers() -- # is used to get the length of stuff, in case of a table it gives you the amount of entries

you can then use it like this:

function playerCheck()
local players = getElementsByType("player")
local aliveplayers = getAliveRacePlayers()
givePlayerMoney(source,100*(#players-#aliveplayers)) -- give a player 100$ per player they beat

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function playerCheck()
local players = getElementsByType("player")
local aliveplayers = getAliveRacePlayers()
givePlayerMoney(source,100*(#players-#aliveplayers)) -- give a player 100$ per player they beat

*give the dead player*

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check if #aliveplayers is 1, if so give money to aliveplayers[1]

function playerCheck()
local players = getElementsByType("player")
local aliveplayers = getAliveRacePlayers()
givePlayerMoney(source,100*(#players-#aliveplayers)) -- give a player 100$ per player they beat
if #aliveplayers == 1 then

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But what if the map is a massive bomb map?

EDIT: Solved, used event "onRaceStateChanging" + triggering to client for player > trigger to server for coins,

Bug found: The last 2 ranks of the players @ PostFinish are 2.

You need to check the winner with getElementData(player, "state") > if alive or finished, winner price.

EDIT2: Would be useful to retrieve the mode of the race resource, the Sprint, Base or Destruction Derby things.

exports.race:getRaceMode :D

(Because, if the player haven't finished the the race, but is still alive, it gets the coins, now)

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EDIT2: Would be useful to retrieve the mode of the race resource, the Sprint, Base or Destruction Derby things.

exports.race:getRaceMode :D

(Because, if the player haven't finished the the race, but is still alive, it gets the coins, now)

g_IsDestructionDerby = nil
addEventHandler("onMapStarting", root, 
function(mapInfo, mapOptions, gameOptions)
	g_IsDestructionDerby = (mapInfo.modename == "Destruction derby")

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