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OnClientDownloadStart/OnDownloadStart Events

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It would be nice adding a Event like OnDownloadStart to identify if the joined Player is allready Ingame or still Downloading

Files, from the Server. When the Player joins the Server and has no cached Files, and the Progressbar appears the Event is called.


bool state, bool cache

state - Is the Player downloading a File ?

returns true is he´s downloading, false if not.

progress: - How much percent of the Files are done ?

An integer representing the percent of the Progressbarvalue.

cache: - The Player got cached files ?

An bool representing the if the Client got cached Files. true = he got a Cache, false = he dont have a Cache.

time: - How much time is the Client downloading the Files ?

An integer representing how much Seconds the Client is downloading the Files.


lefttime: - How much time left for the Client downloading the Files ?

An integer representing how much time isleft.


The source of this event is the player/Client which is downloading the File.


function player_downloading( state, progress, time, lefttime )
if(state == true)then
outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." got Cashed Files")
outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." dont got cached Files")
addEventHandler ( "OnDownloadStart", getRootElement(), player_downloading)


bool state, int filesize, int time [, int speed]

state - Is the Player downloading a File ?

returns true is he downloaded any file correctly, false if not.

filesize: - The size of the Files.

An Integer representing the Size of the Downloaded Files in Byte.

time: - How much time is the Client downloading the Files ?

An integer representing how much Seconds the Client is downloading the Files.


speed: - How much timehe needed for downloading 1 Byte ?

An integer representing how much time he needed. Returns false if no file was loaded/Timeout/Error.[/strike]


The source of this event is the player/Client which is downloading the File.


function player_finished_downloading( state, filesize, time , speed)
if(filesize > 1024)then
local KByte = filesize/1024
if(KByte > 1024)
local MByte = filesize/1024.." MByte"
if(time > 60)then
local minutes = time/60.." Minutes"
outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." downloaded "..MByte.." in"..minutes)
outputChatBox(getPlayerName(source).." downloaded "..MByte.." in"..time.." seconds")
--[[The Rest should be clear]]
addEventHandler ( "OnDownloadStart", getRootElement(), player_downloading)

Another Examples:

- IsPlayerDownloading(the Player)
- getPlayerDownloadProgress(the Player, int Progress)
- getPlayerCachedElements(the Player, string Path, string Filename)

Edited by Guest
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Hm...then we need a another Event like OnDownloadFinish/OnClientDownloadFinish.

OnDownloadStart to figure out the FileSize, the state and if he got cached Files.

And OnDownloadFinish/OnClientDownloadFinish for requesting the time he needed and how much files

(Downloaded Files - Cache) he finally received.

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