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Directory reading


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There's a method for directory listing in Lua with os dir command, which seems to be disabled in MTA.

Is there a way to automatically get filenames in a resource directory (without them being in meta.xml or in any other file)?

No. Although, you can always make a plugin/addon.

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I doubt it, what exactly would you need it for?

For my radio3d_playlist, as it would be more comfortable if the playlist.xml doesn't need filling, but filenames are found straight by scanning the directory.

No. Although, you can always make a plugin/addon.

I thought about that, while browsing the amx resource. Can plugins be streamed like any resource, or must be installed manually?

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No. Although, you can always make a plugin/addon.

I thought about that, while browsing the amx resource. Can plugins be streamed like any resource, or must be installed manually?

What do you mean "streamed like any resource"? Plugin/addon/module must be installed manually just like resources. Put them in "modules" folder and add its name into mtaserver.conf

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I meant if they will be downloaded to clients and work client side automatically (like resources do). I assume they do, then (in that case, could the plugin do anything that normal c application could do? This would mean deleting any file on hard drive etc, or do I misinterpret the security methods applied to plugins?).

Thanks for the help, 50p

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