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[REL] radio3d


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OUTDATED, HEAD TO: viewtopic.php?f=108&t=28717

radio3d allows to choose from a selection of songs in a vehicle for the driver. Everybody else can hear a song as well (in 3d).

Want to imagine other players listening to your songs? Now it's possible (to imagine).

When this resource is enabled on a server, there will be a 13 track playlist that a player can play in a car. If the player haven't made a playlist (s)he will hear only a placeholder file that's downloaded from server.

However, if (s)he has his/her own playlist, (s)he can choose own songs to listen to, and if anybody plays a song under the same spot in playlist than the the player has, the player could hear them listening to his/her song in 3D audio.

You also need to download dependency resource radio3d_playlist

Use 0 (zero), to bring up the playlist, while being a driver. Then the corresponding letter to play a song (a - n, except b, which is used by race sometimes - in future it will work...).

After the resource is downloaded for a client, the client can make his/her own playlist the following way:

1) Go to MTA directory/mods/deathmatch/resources/radio3d_playlist

2) Add songs to music folder in there

3) Copy the playlist.xml.original and rename the copy to playlist.xml

4) Open the playlist.xml with Notepad and edit the filenames (maximum is 13 files)

5) If you were in-game during that, you can use /updateplaylist now to see your new playlist in action

Musicfiles are not shared between different players, because this would add tremendous downloading for everybody, thus rendering it unpractical. The states (which songletter from the playlist is playing, if any) for vehicles radios are synced, however.

The idea itself is from Battlefield: Vietnam, the game.

It should work with any resource/gamemode, though settings might need to be changed, i.e in race disable turning off song when vehicle explodes or person gets out of it (as the vehicle gets respawned).

There are still MANY rough edges and the code is not polished, but it would be great if someone likes to test it. Ideally there shouldn't be any problems already (I'm sure there is, though).

I'm most interested how it affects the frame rate and server with many joined people. Of course, bug reports and feature requests are welcome as well.


You can now download radio3d from MTA Community Resources.


Fixed use of settings, plus added new settings.

Edited by Guest
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You know, something like this would add a massive load of files to download on a download system that's already slow and prone to fuck up, I'm not sure it's a good idea at all. Also, you can't distribute copyrighted songs with your server, that's illegal. ;)

Other than that, I'm sure it's a nice script.. :P

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That's one of the main drawbacks, yes. However, it might be okey, if server sends empty audio files for example, which player can somehow overwrite for themselves.

Other thing is, that the songs will be downloaded only once for a player....

Too bad MIDI files aren't supported...

Also, it would be great if GTA San Andreas own radio could be accessed as files.

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  • 3 weeks later...


This version has a small, 45 KB placeholder audiofile for the server. There is a 13 tracks playlist, where server provides only that 45 KB file, 13 times. This means no good purpose if a client won't make a local playlist. If client A would make own playlist, with, let's say 5 tracks, the first 5 tracks of the 13 placeholders would be overwritten with own songs for the client only. If anyone on the server would play third song on the playlist, client A would hear the song (s)he has on his/her playlist on third position. If (s)he wouldn't have anything in there, the 45 KB placeholder would start playing instead. Just try it out it isn't that complicated really.

Give it a spin! Just put radio3d.zip AND radio3d_playlist.zip to C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\server\mods\deathmatch\resources or wherever your MTA is located at.

If a person goes to C:\Program Files\MTA San Andreas\mods\deathmatch\resources\radio3d_playlist (s)he can add own songs, that will overwrite the placeholder only locally. You can find the manuals in there already.

EDIT: Updated the radio3d resource, there was a bug with settings not retrieved in time, which caused joined players not hearing already playing songs etc...

EDIT2: I updated the description in the beginning of this post a bit, to clear it up.

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The radio3d_playlist content (except some of it, the info files and playlist.xml.original) isn't synced with meta.xml, and thus the content is not overwritten (at least haven't happened while I've tested it). Also, that's a bit of the reason, why I keep the playlist resource separately (and for radio3d version upgrades), though it might not be mandatory.

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  • 3 weeks later...
You know, something like this would add a massive load of files to download on a download system that's already slow and prone to :o up, I'm not sure it's a good idea at all. Also, you can't distribute copyrighted songs with your server, that's illegal. ;)

Other than that, I'm sure it's a nice script.. :P

unless you make your own songs, easy to make a beat. try it i've done LOADS!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A word of warning.

Recently the Battlefield Vietnam community has been spat upon by an estonian player names Madis/Meelis/Krishna. He came onto certain community boards, with the offer of a downloadable program to monitor specific servers and provide alerts when user-set criteria were met. It all sounded great, worked well, and Madis even adapted the program to our requests. He added sound notification and an IRC addon.

But this program STOLE our cd-keys. Since then, Madis has logged onto game server, and using these stolen keys (and in some cases, using the key-owner's nick), has been very disruptive. He has put a lot of effort into the theft, and indeed puts a lot of effort into being so contemptous ingame. His downloads scanned free of viruses, be warned.

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A word of warning.

Recently the Battlefield Vietnam community has been spat upon by an estonian player names Madis/Meelis/Krishna. He came onto certain community boards, with the offer of a downloadable program to monitor specific servers and provide alerts when user-set criteria were met. It all sounded great, worked well, and Madis even adapted the program to our requests. He added sound notification and an IRC addon.

But this program STOLE our cd-keys. Since then, Madis has logged onto game server, and using these stolen keys (and in some cases, using the key-owner's nick), has been very disruptive. He has put a lot of effort into the theft, and indeed puts a lot of effort into being so contemptous ingame. His downloads scanned free of viruses, be warned.

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A word of warning.

Recently the Battlefield Vietnam community has been spat upon by an estonian player names Madis/Meelis/Krishna. He came onto certain community boards, with the offer of a downloadable program to monitor specific servers and provide alerts when user-set criteria were met. It all sounded great, worked well, and Madis even adapted the program to our requests. He added sound notification and an IRC addon.

But this program STOLE our cd-keys. Since then, Madis has logged onto game server, and using these stolen keys (and in some cases, using the key-owner's nick), has been very disruptive. He has put a lot of effort into the theft, and indeed puts a lot of effort into being so contemptous ingame. His downloads scanned free of viruses, be warned.


I was one of the people who reported my key stolen, so either you: are very misinformed or are the author of that application. Also, you're talking off topic, and the lua files are open source.

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A word of warning.

Recently the Battlefield Vietnam community has been spat upon by an estonian player names Madis/Meelis/Krishna. He came onto certain community boards, with the offer of a downloadable program to monitor specific servers and provide alerts when user-set criteria were met. It all sounded great, worked well, and Madis even adapted the program to our requests. He added sound notification and an IRC addon.

But this program STOLE our cd-keys. Since then, Madis has logged onto game server, and using these stolen keys (and in some cases, using the key-owner's nick), has been very disruptive. He has put a lot of effort into the theft, and indeed puts a lot of effort into being so contemptous ingame. His downloads scanned free of viruses, be warned.


I was one of the people who reported my key stolen, so either you: are very misinformed or are the author of that application. Also, you're talking off topic, and the lua files are open source.

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BfV Regular: We've no way to validate the veracity of your claims, as such we will take your warning under advisement. MTA doesn't have anything of value that would be worth stealing, like cd keys. Thank you for your warning, but we'll give madis the benefit of the doubt until we have any evidence to the contrary.

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BfV Regular: We've no way to validate the veracity of your claims, as such we will take your warning under advisement. MTA doesn't have anything of value that would be worth stealing, like cd keys. Thank you for your warning, but we'll give madis the benefit of the doubt until we have any evidence to the contrary.

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BfV Regular: We've no way to validate the veracity of your claims, as such we will take your warning under advisement. MTA doesn't have anything of value that would be worth stealing, like cd keys. Thank you for your warning, but we'll give madis the benefit of the doubt until we have any evidence to the contrary.

At least nothing that's not already available for free. :mrgreen:

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BfV Regular: We've no way to validate the veracity of your claims, as such we will take your warning under advisement. MTA doesn't have anything of value that would be worth stealing, like cd keys. Thank you for your warning, but we'll give madis the benefit of the doubt until we have any evidence to the contrary.

At least nothing that's not already available for free. :mrgreen:

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