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I made some random strip along the bottom of every players screen using a GUI Window. I know how to change the text when an event is triggered but I don't get how to output the players name. Say for example I wanted to make it say " has died!" how would I get ? Because GUI is client-side if I use getLocalPlayer it just say to each player their own nick. How would I get a certain players name then make it work on the client-side script?

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outputChatBox ( name.. " has a god damn " ..weapon, getRootElement(), 255, 100, 0 )


I think you should learn how to help first.

CallumD, show us your code. There are events that are triggered for every client (with source of remote player). You can use one of them or make your own and pass the remote player in triggerEvent or triggerClientEvent.

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I wrote this off top. In the meantime I guess you can try this.

server script

function randomFunctionName ( ammo, killer, weapon, bodypart )
triggerClientEvent ( "server_PlayerDied", killer, getPlayerName(killer), getPlayerName(source) )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), randomFunctionName )

client script

addEvent ( "server_PlayerDied", true )
local delay = 2500
addEventHandler ( "server_PlayerDied", getRootElement(),
function ( killerName, victimName )
guiSetText ( whateverYourTextElementInYourGuiWindowIsCalled, tostring(victimName).. " has died!" )
setTimer ( guiSetText, delay, 1, whateverYourTextElementInYourGuiWindowIsCalled, "" )

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I wrote this off top. In the meantime I guess you can try this.

server script

function randomFunctionName ( ammo, killer, weapon, bodypart )
triggerClientEvent ( "server_PlayerDied", killer, getPlayerName(killer), getPlayerName(source) )
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), randomFunctionName )

client script

addEvent ( "server_PlayerDied", true )
local delay = 2500
addEventHandler ( "server_PlayerDied", getRootElement(),
function ( killerName, victimName )
guiSetText ( whateverYourTextElementInYourGuiWindowIsCalled, tostring(victimName).. " has died!" )
setTimer ( guiSetText, delay, 1, whateverYourTextElementInYourGuiWindowIsCalled, "" )

Why did you use server-side event and triggerClientEvent when you have the same event client-side

https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnC ... ayerWasted (read the description at the top)

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Because client-side there is no syntax to get the player name (as far as I know of) and show it to all players without it just showing their own name.

What getPlayerName function does? Hmm, I don't know, do you? And if you could read what I say you'd know what onClientPlayerWasted is.

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