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Grasiel City Gang (Real City Simulation Gang)


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we are a clan that has many factions, the most important are Taxi Main Company (TMC), Justice Tribunal, Air Force, Army, and Politics.

now here comes a description of these factions.

[DESC]Air Force

We are in charge of air title (for you flightying in our city), in charge of air transport and in charge of air defence, our base

remains in secret, but you can enter it when you enter air force, JOIN NOW!

[DESC] Army

We are in charge of supervising member activity, defending our leaders and citizens (all who enters our server), in

charge of being in wars with other countries (gangs).

our base is protected by an exelent (functional) missile defence so we can tell you where it is... Area 51 (or Restricted Area)

if you want to enter to this base... JOIN NOW!!


We are all the taxi drivers, taxists are one of the works with one of the best benefit a citizen can ask, its own car,

if you want one, JUST JOIN

[DESC] Justice Tribunal

You cant join, we select people... we decide what charges does criminals will have (not banning, banning is a political job)

but we decide what type of job the criminal will do, like making army services for example.

If you want to join play with admins!

[DESC] Politics

for being a politic you must be in one faction.

you are not selected.


now we will explain some things of our server:

houses: you can buy houses

bank: we are building a bank system for your money be saved (not active now)




just join!!


For recruiting you got to post here or go to server when an admin is on...

thank you :lol:

Edited by Guest
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Now we will explain about cities and somethings:

cities are managed by president.

president has bodyguards (bodyguard faction)

their bodyguards recieves a pay of $100000 for being their personal bodyguards, (only 4)

for being here you must be in politics (talk to king 6d23)

Name of server: Grasiel Clan Server

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lol, im not posting anymore, im now just learning to script and making some scripts to my server,

when i learn to script, and im a little known, im posting advertisement again, else im waiting someone

to post here.

P.D: clan has not disapeared, just waiting people to join, server is still up and im making server better =)

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