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Scripting problem at loops and tables


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After ask some people at the IRC, what gives not much result. I ask it on the forums.

The problem at the following script is that i go into the food shop markers of the ammu markers the addEventHandler for onMarkerHit doesn't work. Does anyone know why?


function onResStart()
AMMU1 = createMarker(296.03073120117, -38.204479217529, 1000.515625, "cylinder", 1)
AMMU2 = createMarker(289.80169677734, -109.62482452393, 1000.515625, "cylinder", 1)
FDBURG1 = createMarker(375.91638183594, -67.679695129395, 1000.5151367188, "cylinder", 1)
FDBURG2 = createMarker(375.91638183594, -67.679695129395, 1000.5151367188, "cylinder", 1)
FDBURG3 = createMarker(375.91638183594, -67.679695129395, 1000.5151367188, "cylinder", 1)
FDCHICK1 = createMarker(368.56079101563, -6.4645309448242, 1000.8515625, "cylinder", 1)
FDCHICK2 = createMarker(368.56079101563, -6.4645309448242, 1000.8515625, "cylinder", 1)
FDCHICK3 = createMarker(368.56079101563, -6.4645309448242, 1000.8515625, "cylinder", 1)
FDPIZZA1 = createMarker(373.77386474609, -119.16807556152, 1000.4921875, "cylinder", 1)
FDPIZZA2 = createMarker(373.77386474609, -119.16807556152, 1000.4921875, "cylinder", 1)
   setElementInterior(AMMU1, 1)
setElementInterior(AMMU2, 6)
setElementDimension(AMMU1, 1)
setElementDimension(AMMU2, 5)
setElementInterior(FDBURG1, 10)
setElementInterior(FDBURG2, 10)
setElementInterior(FDBURG3, 10)
setElementDimension(FDBURG1, 2)
setElementDimension(FDBURG2, 3)
setElementDimension(FDBURG3, 4)
setElementInterior(FDCHICK1, 9)
setElementInterior(FDCHICK2, 9)
setElementInterior(FDCHICK3, 9)
setElementDimension(FDCHICK1, 2)
setElementDimension(FDCHICK2, 6)
setElementDimension(FDCHICK3, 7)
setElementInterior(FDPIZZA1, 5)
setElementInterior(FDPIZZA2, 5)
setElementDimension(FDPIZZA1, 6)
setElementDimension(FDPIZZA2, 7)
ammuTable = {AMMU1, AMMU2}
for index, ammuMarker in next, ammuTable do
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", ammuMarker, onAmmuMarkerHit)
for index, foodMarker in next, foodTable do
	addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", foodMarker, onFoodMarkerHit)
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onResStart)
function onAmmuMarkerHit(hitPlayer, matchingDimension)
outputChatBox("Buy your weapon!")
function onFoodMarkerHit(hitPlayer, matchingDimension)
outputChatBox("Buy your food!")

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for index, ammuMarker in next, ammuTable do
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", ammuMarker, onAmmuMarkerHit)
for index, foodMarker in next, foodTable do
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", foodMarker, onFoodMarkerHit)

Where is the variable 'next'?

And put in all the for loops the next code:

outputDebugString("Execuded for loop");

And do that allways in your code, it helps finding things you overlooked!

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Where is the variable 'next'?


It's not a variable. It's an iterator function that is used in pairs() function. You can do either,

for key, value in next, tab do


for key, value in pairs( tab ) do

This should work:

-- ... Your code above
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", getRootElement(),
function( )
for k,marker in pairs( foodTable ) do -- go through all food markers
if source == marker then -- and find out if hit marker (source) is one of markers in foodTable
-- OK, you hit a food marker
break; -- break the loop because you found what you wanted...

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And sorry to be repetitive, but you'll find it easier long-term if you specify markers (and any other elements) in a map file. You can then use the map editor and everything is generally much better!

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And sorry to be repetitive, but you'll find it easier long-term if you specify markers (and any other elements) in a map file. You can then use the map editor and everything is generally much better!

How do you mean? I don't get it... :oops:

He's trying to tell you to use the map files instead of creating markers inside your script.

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ement_tree

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ment_Types

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And sorry to be repetitive, but you'll find it easier long-term if you specify markers (and any other elements) in a map file. You can then use the map editor and everything is generally much better!

How do you mean? I don't get it... :oops:

He's trying to tell you to use the map files instead of creating markers inside your script.

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ement_tree

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ment_Types

How can i get elements that are in a .map file into a table then? :?

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Will get exactly the wanted elements in specified map file, usually just getElementsByType(elementType,getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())) works too

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