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Element Data and markers problem :(

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hi i tried to create a simple mission its work perfectly but when i add a protection timer that doesnt work and dont show any error or warning.

here the code.

me = getLocalPlayer();
marker1 = createMarker( 2292.7622070313, 2446.4018554688, 10.8203125 )
pedmision1 = createPed ( 120, 2295.7622070313, 2451.4018554688, 10.8203125 )
function pedLoad ( name )
createBlip ( 2292.7622070313, 2446.4018554688, 10.8203125, 52, 0, 0, 0, 255)
setElementData( me, "iniciom1", true );
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), pedLoad )
function MarkerHit ( hitPlayer, matchingDimension )
if( getElementData( hitPlayer, "iniciom1" ) == true ) then -- checkea si el jugador puede hacer el jump
outputChatBox ( getPlayerName(hitPlayer) .. " ve a pixulandia y mata ese CONCHESUMADRE HIIM!!!" )
createBlip ( 2295.7622070313, 2451.4018554688, 10.8203125, 52, 0, 0, 0, 255)
pedmision2 = createPed ( 120, 2291.7622070313, 2451.4018554688, 10.8203125 )
setElementData( hitPlayer, "iniciom1", false ) -- deshabilita el jump
setTimer( setElementData, 60000, 1, hitPlayer, "iniciom1", true )-- timer, permite hacer que se pueda volver a saltar en 3 segundos.
addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker1, MarkerHit )

bye and sorry for the engilsh :D

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Why it doesn't work? What happens when you use timer? "doesn't work" doesn't really help us. Tell us more, like nothing happens when you hit the marker? Marker doesn't show up? Please tell us more so we can find out where the problem is.

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