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Hi, i tried to do an damagesystem for my gamemode which gives different damagetypes for every bodypart.

but everytime i want to give damage to my player it doesn't work and the console says "bad argument".

This is the (shortform) of the code i use:

function dmg ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss) 
if ( bodypart == 9 ) then 
    SetElementHealth ( source, ( getElementHealth ( source) - loss * 2 ) ) 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), dmg ) 

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Why it doesn't say "attempt to call global 'SetElementHealth' (a nil value)"?

Lua, as many other programming/scripting languages is case-sensitive. SetElementHealth is not same as setElementHealth. All MTA functions start with lower case characters.

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Indent much? It's not a crisis this time, but if you ever post any larger pieces of code and don't indent it, people will run screaming from it... :P

The problem I see here doesn't really match the error message you game, but there's no function named SetElementHealth. It's setElementHealth. (Function names are case-sensitive.)

Apart from that, a little gotcha. In this example, you're tripling the damage, not doubling it, like I assume you intended. You can either modify the amount set in the script, or just cancel the event with cancelEvent.

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