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Looking for a good scripter (I will pay)

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Hey people im new to MTA but i like the potential it has,

im looking for a good scripter to make a role play server with my ideas, MTA has everything i wished for on GTA SA, so i would like a good scripter to answer on this topic to talk and put some points in the air.

And like it says on the topic name I WILL PAY

And please don't say: "why dont you learn" answer: i dont want to learn im busy with other things.

Thanks in advance.

Prieto Galletini

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Hey people im new to MTA but i like the potential it has,

im looking for a good scripter to make a role play server with my ideas, MTA has everything i wished for on GTA SA, so i would like a good scripter to answer on this topic to talk and put some points in the air.

And like it says on the topic name I WILL PAY

And please don't say: "why dont you learn" answer: i dont want to learn im busy with other things.

Thanks in advance.

Prieto Galletini

If you pay I think some good scripters will come, take the money, steal the scripts and make their own server with them. So you give 'em money for nothing.

Just learn, it's not SO hard.

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Depending on the amount, I might be able to take on a few jobs. I won't commit to being a full-time scripter, but a "mission" here or there isn't out of the question. What kind of missions are we talking about, and what kind of amounts?

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Depending on the amount, I might be able to take on a few jobs. I won't commit to being a full-time scripter, but a "mission" here or there isn't out of the question. What kind of missions are we talking about, and what kind of amounts?

Ok i need a full GM like the godfather for samp or something better, but with my ideas in it that's going to make it better, and bout the money a don't know maybe 5 bucks those that cover it, nah joking the money depends on your work, if your really interested get at me: [email protected]

and it would be better if the scripter knows a little bit of Pawno to have a look at my samp's GM and make something like it.

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ok so no one its going to make so can i ask for some help i decided to learn, I'm starting with the wiki but i tried the login window in the wiki and it didn't work so if anyone could take a look at the code and let me know whats wrong in it.

function joinHandler(username, password) 
        local x,y,z 
        x = 1959.55 
        y = -1714.46 
        z = 10 
        if (client) then 
              spawnPlayer(client, x, y, z) 
              fadeCamera(client, true) 
              outputChatBox("Welcome to My Server", client) 
addEvent("SubmitLogin", true) 
addEventHandler("SubmitLogin", getRootElement(), joinHandler) 

--this is the login window 
function CreateLoginWindow() 
    local X = 0.375 
    local Y = 0.375 
    local Width = 0.25 
    local Height = 0.25 
    wdwlogin = guiCreateWindow(X, Y, Width, Height, "Por favor iniciar sesion", true) 
    X = 0.0825 
    Y = 0.2 
    Widht = 0.25 
    Height = 0.25 
    guiCreateLabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Nombre de Usuario", true, wdwlogin) 
    Y = 0.5 
    guiCreatelabel(X, Y, Width, Height, "Contraseña", true, wdwlogin) 
    X = 0.415 
    Y = 0.2 
    Widht = 0.5 
    Height = 0.15 
    edtUser = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwlogin) 
    Y = 0.5 
    edtpass = guiCreateEdit(X, Y, Width, Height, "", true, wdwlogin) 
    guiEditSetMaxLength(edtuser, 50) 
    guiEditSetMaxLength(edtpass, 50) 
    X = 0.0415 
    Y = 0.7 
    Width = 0.25 
    Height = 0.2 
    btnlogin = guiCreateButton(X, Y, Width, Height, "Logear", true, wdwlogin) 
    guiSetVisible(wdwlogin, false) 
    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
        function () 
                outputChatBox("Bienvenido a Empire Server MTA, por favor logearse.") 
                if (wdwlogin ~= nil) then 
                        guiSetVisible(wdwlogin, true) 
function clientSubmitLoginButton(button) 
        if button == "left" then 
                triggerServerEvent("SubmitLogin", getRootElement(), guiGetText(edtuser), guiGetText(edtpass)) 
                guiSetVisible(wdwlogin, false) 


    "Prieto Galletini" type="gamemode" name="Empire" description="my first try" /> 

and plz let me know it theres a good editor besides notepad++ and luaedit

thanks in advance.

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I think you skipped a part with reading.

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... the_button

And there might be some other editors, but I guess still Notepad++ is pretty much the best option.

ok i maybe lost this part

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) 

but i really don't know where to put it, it says "right AFTER CreateLoginWindow() is called: " so it should go here?

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), 
        function () 
                addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", btnLogin, clientSubmitLogin, false) --here??? 
                outputChatBox("Welcome to My MTA DM Server, please log in.  ") 
                if (wdwLogin ~= nil) then 
                         guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) 

and know im getting the error about line 15(im my server is 15 on the post is 16) so if you see up there on the other posts it gave an error on the line 16 in the script.lua


i would be really appreciated if you guys can tell me whats wrong. thanks in advance

Edit: i found it out thanks anyways.

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Yes, as I said, only 1.0 supports peds. The main difference is that 1.0 has tons of new features, but the nightlies don't always work like they're supposed to and can be a bit unstable sometimes, and things can change.

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so i'm trying to understand is 1.0 out yet?? and by the way can u help me out with this i'm trying o make an static picture on the screen so this is the code can u tell me what is wrong

this is the photo gui, just one photo i made it with guieditor

function showClientImage() 
addEventHandler("onClientReosurceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), showClientImage) 

and this is the meta.xml

  "Prieto Galletini" type="gamemode" name="GTAR" description="my first try" /> 

could you see whats wrong?

and by the way the "admin" resource does not work anymore now that i use the nightly build i can open it but it does not let me choose any option, if you know how to fix this plz let me know.

Edit: other thing now i can't enter the site if i don't use Proxy do you guys know a fix for this

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