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Linux SVN compiled - no net binary for linux??? :(

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Hi everyone ;)

I got the svn version of today working on linux with a few fixes (and installing a few libraries on my ubuntu box). However, now the only problem i've got left is that i haven't got a linux version of net.so, 'cos there only is a windows version. Is there a way to get the linux version??? I sincerely hope so, 'cos i'd really like to run an mtasa server on my linux box so i can finally have my dedicated mtasa server.

i really really really hope someone can get me that net.so file ;)

cheers ;)


how did i do it:

i had to install the following libraries:

- build-essential

- autoconf

- liblua50-dev liblua50

- libpcre++-dev libpcre++0

- libsqlite3-0 libsqlite3-dev

- libcurl3 libcurl3-dev

- libtool

- libncurses5 libncurses5-dev

the fixes i did in the svn to make it compiling (on request i can make a patch file too if you guys want me to) are the following:

FYI: the ASE library doesn't seem to be used anymore, however the .o file isn't anywhere in the svn either...

the library can be found at http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/ASEQuerySDKDemo.zip






remove the ASE library needs, the library isn't used actually...

remove the lines:

-Wl,-export-dynamic \
  logic/lib/ASEQuerySDK.o \
  -L../../../libs/ \


 -L../../../libs/lua \  -->> -Llogic/lua \
  -llua -> llua50


remove the lines

extern "C"
    #include "ASEQuerySDK.h"



#include "ASEQuerySDK.h"



libplatform_a_CXXFLAGS = \



size_t oInternetSocketAddressLength = sizeof ( oInternetSocketAddress );


 socklen_t oInternetSocketAddressLength = sizeof ( oInternetSocketAddress );


the commands i ran after doing these changes:

cd your/path/to/svn/root/dir/with/mtasa/source
libtoolize -f
aclocal -I m4/
automake --add-missing
autoreconf -f
make install

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If you would submit a patch, that'd be great. ;)

Net library sources are a little more restricted than the rest, ie. not very many has access to them. Your best bet is probably to get on IRC (#mta at irc.gtanet.com) and ask around there.

Nice work, hope you'll see fit to help out more too. ;)

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If you would submit a patch, that'd be great. ;)

Net library sources are a little more restricted than the rest, ie. not very many has access to them. Your best bet is probably to get on IRC (#mta at irc.gtanet.com) and ask around there.

Nice work, hope you'll see fit to help out more too. ;)

Next question -> where do i submit my patches ;)

There seems to be quite some code that is duplicated to other directories, etc etc... these kind of cleanups are quite easy to do, so... (For example the dynamicloader class)

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