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Adding my own commands..[]


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I wish to know how to add commands in PRS Script.Example if you write: !bannan pr0 - Pr0RaC3R is bannaned by Adolf Hitler.

How to that.I saw the line in PRS Script !wb and welcomes back player pointed my mta.nick

Please guys help me if you can becuase im very newb and nooby and scripting.Btw has somebody trace script?

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elseif ($3 == !bannan) mta.text $1 mta.nick($1,%a) bannaned by mta.nick($1,$2)

If your nick is admin, and the other person is player, after writing !bannan player it will display:

player bannaned by admin

elseif ($3 == !bannan) - name of the command

mta.text $1 - this displays a text on server visible to all players (if you want PM, use mta.pm $1 $2)

mta.nick($1,%a) - nick of the person you used it on (player)

mta.nick($1,$2) - nick of the person who wrote the command (admin)

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elseif ($3 == !bannan) mta.text $1 mta.nick($1,%a) bannaned by mta.nick($1,$2)

If your nick is admin, and the other person is player, after writing !bannan player it will display:

player bannaned by admin

elseif ($3 == !bannan) - name of the command

mta.text $1 - this displays a text on server visible to all players (if you want PM, use mta.pm $1 $2)

mta.nick($1,%a) - nick of the person you used it on (player)

mta.nick($1,$2) - nick of the person who wrote the command (admin)

Thank you very much.I will see if it works. :D

EDIT: Ok.Now tested but it says: mta.nick($1,%a) bannaned by mta.nick($1,$2)

Maybe i out on wrong place.I put in PRS Script and in signal mta command.

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if this it going to be in the prs script just have this

if ($3 == !bannan) { 
elseif ($4 == $null )  mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Please specify a name, !bannan <name> 
mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) has been bannaned by $mta.nick($1,$2) 

Ok.I know i aren't good at scripting.But i made something for example and again won't work.

if ($3 == !stuck) { 
elseif ($4 == $null ) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Please specify a name, !stuck <name> 
mta.text $1 You're stuck $mta.nick($1,%a),please do /kill. 

EDIT: Sorry guys i done it ok but...can i make this in server by !addcom script? Like this !stuck but like this in server: !addcom !stuck /me %a(hmm<< if that is there) you are stuck please type /kill.Something like that.But can i use this parameters %a %b...That parameters will tell that certain player that example got stucked..Can you do it by !addcom =?

I want that player says example: !stuck pr0 - You're stuck Pr0RaC3R,please type /kill.What i did wrong?

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Sorry guys that i have alot of questions.But is it possible to add points to a player if he rewarded to it and that command is only for Admin level 4 or higher?Please can someone make it for me that i study that a bit so that i can learn something.

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