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Hi my problem is that i install MTA san andreas DM, and instal is ok and i start client and a see menu...and that is all!.. my PC write (do not reply ) and client is freeze

i have Windows Vista help...

Please answer the question with easy english :D because im from the czech republic and english is my secound language in school and my secound question is when will be MTA Race for Vista thx....

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Try the following fix:

- Locate your GTA San Andreas directory (usually c:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas)

- Navigate to the 'MTA' directory

- Open 'coreconfig.xml' in Notepad (or any other plain-text editor)

- Search for ''

- Change the number after the above phrase (usually '255') to '248', without the quotes, e.g.: 248

- Start Multi Theft Auto and see if the problem is gone

hope this helps, but please try to use the forums search before you post a new topic next time

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