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Weapon.dat functions?


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So I'm thinking, since there are vehicle handling functions, that people should think about adding functions to modify weapon.dat. This would be very useful for any number of reasons:

  • Prevents cheating (where people modify accuracy, range and fire rates. Once deagles start firing at minigun tempo, normal players are in serious trouble.)
  • Lets DM server owners (like me :)) modify the accuracy and ranges until all weapons aren't necessarily shit.
  • Would be interesting for, let's say, an experience/leveling system.

Cons: none that I can think of.

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Here are 3 cons:

* Takes time

* Like the handling stuff, it may be halted for quite a while

* Lower priority

I'd love to see it in, but more like in MTA 1.0.1 or something. The difference between DP2 and 1.0 are already pretty huge and there's still plenty to do... =/

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Omg, here that's my bad - it's a concept that stuck around from the later time of my SFDM server where we used a sync mod that attempted to gloss over some of the sync issues, I forgot it wouldn't happen if shooting was handled by the server, like normally...

Stil, these funcs would be useful since even the M4 is less accurate than, let's say, throwing turds. :wink:

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Its possible, but often it has to be explicitly synced. For example Akimbo weapons use different sync methods to normal weapons due to their nature.

Vehicle sync, on the other hand, is consistent. Its why stuff like Flying cars and Amphibious cars work fine whilst syncing just as well as they should.

Either way its still possible to cheat with stuff such as altering reload, or lowering the fire rate (saving ammo), or reducing weapon damage.

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