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Problems installing mtasadm_v1.0-dp2.1.exe



Been trying to install this for the last week... before it was just timing out which I understand was due to a moving of servers... fair enough..

Lets forget for the moment the terrible mess their webpage is.. its confusing and offers no half direct links to what people want. It involves reading a massive chuck on info the average player is simply not interested in before they can even begin to find a download link - whoever designed the webpage I'm nearly convinced they are unemployed - and theres a reason - ayways, moving on -

When I try to install it, I enter my username and password which I registered on the website days ago I get the following error... " You provided an invalid serial number. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact a MTA member.

I think at this stage I'm not going to bother and will stick with sa:mp. At no point during the registration on the webpage or the install does it mention a 'serial number' I'm not a kid, and have been working and hosting large amounts of online games for nearly 2 dozen different games over the last 12 years and all I have to say is this..

I have never.. ever come accross a more retarded install of a basic client in all my years... theres a reason why MTA is virtually unknown. You follow the steps to install and you can't because it requires a magical serial number which is never mentioned until you get an install error. I noticed a massive thread of people requestion a serial number..... but again when you register and install it asks for a username and password.. and you only learn of a exsitance of this magical serial number when you try to install or on the thread? (and again, the forums are messy and categorys so messy - but thats another issue, just reinforces my opinion of MTA developers being idiots)

Its sad, and pathetic, and when the developers are lying in bed at night wondering why what they work on is far far from a sucess, and from what I can tell, a failure, I hope they have the intelligence to figure out why - altho because of the current system I doubt they do. In short - idiots.

Explains why sa:mp, which lets face it has far crapper code etc is still so much more superior and popular than MTA.

Pathetic, well done MTA team.. you really are special.. is in special olympic sence. Not many people can turn something with a good solid core, spend months working on it to update it only to have it impossible to install by people. Special doesn't cover it, you're in your own league there, congratulations.

I half expect this thread to be closed/deleted because less face it, they made a major fu ckup and due to the obvious lack of intellience used in creating this client I'm sure they close/remove alot of threads that critise their work.

Welcom failure guys, I'm sure your real life is a reflection of this, even tho you would never admit it in public, but as you lie in bed alone at night.. 'm sure you know it yourselves.

Love.. E

Edited by Guest
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And to prove a point, for shit and giggles I tried to register a few more accounts there to try and install it, and even tho the webpage accepts the registration when I try to install the client I get " Your computer is already associated with another account.. please login to using the account that was already registerd"

I would if I could..

Again, failures.

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I love men.

Umm, ok? So I see you're coming out of the closet...

Seriously though, I would pick apart his long ranting useless post, but I've done it too many times before and I'm tired of it.

I'll make it simple, and I see that others have already said the same:

You don't like mta? Here's some quick tips to help you on your way!

1) If you don't like it then don't use it. Then go away. It's free so shut up.

2) Try making your own mod, and have a community form around you pushing you to make a release as fast as possible

3) The fact that you sat down and made this long rant really shows how you like to spend your time: Bitching.

4) You could have provided some constructive criticism if you feel there is potential for the project and would like to see it improve, but you are an impatient little child, so that's not an option for you now is it?

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Although I agree on some of your points, I must say that your overall post is a little narrow-minded, that being an understatement. Destructive criticism, name calling and blatantly offending is something I wouldn't normally expect from someone claiming to work professionally for 12 years in any business, but I guess your business must be one of those that does not involve a lot of communication with other people (or say, customers).

As you can see from the replies, it doesn't really help in making a convincing point (twice), given the fact that you're only bringing up 2 points in your entire monologue. Starting a post without intending a discussion, but merely trying to let people read what you have to say (or who you're trying to stab) doesn't prove mature, really.

Although I doubt you'll ever read this topic again since you've already done your saying, I'll try to clarify some of the things you've pointed out for other readers.

Been trying to install this for the last week... before it was just timing out which I understand was due to a moving of servers... fair enough..

Lets forget for the moment the terrible mess their webpage is.. its confusing and offers no half direct links to what people want. It involves reading a massive chuck on info the average player is simply not interested in before they can even begin to find a download link - whoever designed the webpage I'm nearly convinced they are unemployed - and theres a reason - ayways, moving on -

One of the difficulties of this mod is that people actually have to read a little before they can installing the game. As you should know by now, this is not a normal game that just always instantly plays after installation, however happy we would be with that. Since we rely on another game, a lot of problems start with the most basic things (people having invalid versions, hacked games, etc.) so we have to throw some information at our users as a sort of disclaimer. However on your advice, the download pages were a little simplified and now contain less information.

When I try to install it, I enter my username and password which I registered on the website days ago I get the following error... " You provided an invalid serial number. Please try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists, please contact a MTA member.

We allow users to register accounts which are meant as an easier way to ban people from servers, and to track statistics if people want to. Each account involves a serial number and a few other numbers normally shielded away from the user that are (or were supposedly) unique to the computer the user was playing on, making things like banning reliable. Unfortunately we've chosen to rely on a third-party company (which hosted some serial number generator service) for this system. The service was never reliable and eventually went off-line, and this made things extremely complicated and stupid. Eventually, we've chosen to drop the whole system for a new release so anyone could play without having to use any of the aforementioned. We have made an error in judgment, but we did not really see this coming.

We hope all serial issues are solved with our new DP2.2 release.

We do appreciate input. Just don't make a fool out of yourself.

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