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[REL] VRocker's IRC Echo Advanced LUA Scripts


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Hello chaps and chapesses.

Just thought i would release my version of vrockers IRC Echo LUA files that are shipped with his IRC Echo module.

Here is a rundown of what it can do:

IRC Commands

  • !players - returns a very detailed list of all players in the server via IRC PM
  • !getPlayer - returns a very detailed message of the player given (ping, etc, etc)
  • !resource - gives the IRC Admin the ability to start, stop and restart resources from within IRC
  • !kick - kicks the specified player
  • !ban - bans the specified player (IP Ban)
  • !banserial - bans the specified player via Serial Number
  • !say - broadcasts a chat message into the server
  • !refresh - refreshes the bot by hopping the channel (refreshing the users privs within the IRC channel)

Other Things

  • Automatic channel rejoin on admin join detection. (names to be changed within the ircecho resource, top most table)
  • Automatic notification and rejoin when the module looses connection with the server

Things to note when using this module

You must run each resource in this sequence:

   <resource src="ircecho" startup="true"/> 
   <resource src="ircechocore" startup="true"/> 

Download: Click here


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Ok got it working kind of lol

When i connect to my irc channel this happens

[12:26:17] Querying game-monitor.com master server... success!

[12:26:17] Server started and is ready to accept connections!

[12:26:17] >>>IRC[Connected to IRC Server, Waiting for auth notice to join channels]

[12:26:17] >>>IRC[NOTICE[GTANet -> ServerEcho: [Logon News - Jul 15 2007] The most up-to-date copy of the network's rules can always be found at http://www.gtaconnection.net/page/policy/rules/main]]

[12:26:17] VRCON <> LUA ERROR: ...r/mods/deathmatch/resources/IrcEchoCore/IRC Echo.lua:160: attempt to compare number with nil

[12:26:17] >>>IRC[NOTICE[GTANet -> ServerEcho: [Logon News - Aug 06 2007] Your host will be scanned for open proxies. Please disregard any firewall messages originating from our servers. If you do not agree to this scan please leave the network now.]]

[12:26:17] VRCON <> LUA ERROR: ...r/mods/deathmatch/resources/IrcEchoCore/IRC Echo.lua:160: attempt to compare number with nil

Note the LUA error. Any idea what could be causing this?

In the IRC room i get " freeroam :CONNECTION TO THE SERVERS CORE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED" but nothing is relayed :?:


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ah wait change line 160 to

if ( trash ~= nil and trash >= 0 ) then

and line 159 to

trash = string.find(szText, "Password accepted")

Thanks for that but im a little confused.

Line 159 is 'end' and line 160 is 'trash = string.find(szText, "Password accepted") >= 0'

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your right i was looking at my edited version updated again

Ok did that but i had a problem.

The way the script came the ircechocore has this

root = getRootElement() 
szChans = {} 
local s_Server = "" 
local s_Port = 6667 
local s_Channel = "#freeroam" 
local s_BotName = "ServerEcho" 
local autoConnectionRetryTimer 
local autoConnectionRetryTimer_onDC 

Now with the changes you told me to do it connected to that IRC prefectly fine but silly me forgot to add the network and channel i wanted.

So i changed it to this:-

root = getRootElement() 
szChans = {} 
local s_Server = "irc.gtanet.com" 
local s_Port = 6667 
local s_Channel = "#MgCFreeroam" 
local s_BotName = "ServerEcho" 
local autoConnectionRetryTimer 
local autoConnectionRetryTimer_onDC 
local allreadyInit = false 

and now it wont connect :redhotevil:

Well it does connect. In my channel #MgCFreeroam channel it still says:-


But still no relay of any chat.

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