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Short range fights

Phat Looser

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It may be only me who has this impression, but short range fights seem to be messed up sometimes. You may shoot the other player, but somewhat you don't hit him (even though you are aiming exactly at him), and then, suddenly he dies within two shots while you weren't aiming at him at all for some seconds. Especially dual weapons are troublesome.

Am I right, or is this just an illusion caused by too much coffee?

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as far as i know there are some problems with the dual weapons while you crouch... i'd really like to know whats this caused by

When you script a little bit, you will find out that there is no "aim spot detection" when you crouch.

That means, when you try to find out if an object gets hit (client side), as soon as you crouch with a dual weapon, it always returns nil, no matter your aim or your distance to any object.

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I’ve noticed that my character dies quite rapidly during a short range duel. I’d be moving around trying to distract my opponent’s view of getting a good shot on me with one eye continuously checking to see the state of my health. I have noticed that even with my health at a fairly good state, I’ll die a second or two later even when my opponent hasn’t made any attempt to fire.

I think we should just blame coffee and nothing else.

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