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Here is an example:

theVehicle = createVehicle ( 400, 1, 1, 1 )       -- create us a new vehicle 
if ( theVehicle ) then 
    setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay ( theVehicle, 20000 ) -- tell the server to respawn the vehicle 20 seconds after it's been left. 

How would I make it so it respawns the vehicle because someone has left it and it has been idle and it respawns after 20 seconds for the .map file vehicles?

Thanks in advance

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addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), 
        for i,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do 
            setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) 

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You should in theory be able to do:

setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(root, 20000)

Which should work for all the vehicles - might want to test it though. Most functions should work like this, if they don't please tell us so we can fix it.

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addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), 
        for i,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do 
            setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) 

Could I make it

addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), idleRespawn ) 
    function idleRespawn () 
        for i,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do 
            setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) 

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try this instead

    function idleRespawn () 
        for i,vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do 
            setVehicleIdleRespawnDelay(vehicle, 20000) 
addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", getRootElement(), idleRespawn ) 

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