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Missing feature with blips..


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I'd like to be able to make a blip that would show only in the proximity of the radar. In other words, when a blip enters the visible area of the radar, I want the blip to show up, otherwise, it would just hide itself, like the food shops and Ammunation in single player. Small little feature, looks easy to add in, but could this be done for the next release?

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I've checked the wiki. As far as I know it doesn't have a function to set it. So do I have to keep looping, checking the distance of 500+ blips continuously? That doesn't look too good on the CPU usage. Can you point out to me what other ways? Don't just say it's scriptable. I'd like this blip feature implemented. If it is already, let me know.

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I was thinking of adding some kind of optional boolean argument whether to make it appear when the blip is only within range of the radar or not, for that certain blip. Although I will be using the "onClientElementStreamIn" and the "onClientElementStreamOut" once they're in. They seem more efficient for my purpose.

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