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Static or Dynamic vehicles?

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Hey guys,

Ive been testing the beta alot these days on my own server. This game is smooth, allmost no really bugs that corrupt deathmatch with people.

But ive been thinking, in MTAVC, if you moved an vehicle (lets say an placed car that got moved by an player), the vehicle would not be there for someone that just joined the server and instead be on the normal spawnplace.

Ive tested this on my mtasa server locally, so i moved an standard vehicle to an different place, after that i disconnected and rejoined back. Shutted down the game and joined my server again, i could see that the car i moved, was still on the place i moved it to.

But when an friend of me joins (via the internet), the vehicle i moved is back on the place it normally spawns. Only the vehicles i spawned via admin panel keep on the place where i spawned them, even for other players that join via the internet.

So im wondering, can you guys comment on this? It would be nice to see that all moved vehicles stay on the place where they were moved to, even for new-joining players.

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I very much doubt this is the case - all newly joining clients are told the location of every vehicle acording to the server... It doesn't differentiate between admin created vehicles and map created vehicles. Can you produce a series of steps to reliably reproduce this?

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I'l post here how i did my 'test'. Its simple and easy to do, you need an server with admin rights and an friend who can join from the internet.

1) Host an server mtasa with Classic Deathmatch mode. Password this server so no one exept your friend can join it. (this to prevent that other players re-move vehicles)

2) Enter the server yourself and spawn as 'Grove', enter one of the vehicles that are standard standing there, move it to the middle of the grove spawn point (in the middle of the road, aslong as its moved to another place).

3) Now exit the game yourself, shut down mta/gta, and enter the server again. You will now notice that the moved car is still on the place u moved it to.

4) Let an friend join via the internet, in my case, the vehicle was NOT on the place i moved it to. But instead, it was on the standard spawn-place.

This happens not to vehicles that are spawned by the admin-tool, these vehicles stay there, even for newly joined players that havent been there before.

This is an desync problem maybe?

I hope i have givin enough info, and that the MTA team can look at this case.

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when you move a vehicle the position is given to the server which stores it, then when someone else joins the server, they should get the stored position of that vehicle, it could be that that resource you are running (guessing it is ctv) is moving the vehicle back to its original position when you haven't been in it for a certain length of time

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So i have to turn off the resource called CTV?

So normally, an moved vehicle should stay on the stored position, even when not being, say like 24 hours in the server for newly joined players? (assuming no one moves it back).

Btw, i was running CDM_Ls, but dunno about CTV.

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  Aggressor said:
So i have to turn off the resource called CTV?

So normally, an moved vehicle should stay on the stored position, even when not being, say like 24 hours in the server for newly joined players? (assuming no one moves it back).

Btw, i was running CDM_Ls, but dunno about CTV.

CTV is Capture The Vehicle, I think he meant that cdm is moving the vehicle back to the original place.

Try making a simple map with a vehicle and move it, see if your friend sees it at the place you moved it, maybe its related to cdm.

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I wrote an idle vehicle respawner when I made the cdm_ls map, meaning that idle cars (as in, cars without people in them or close to them) would respawn after a while. I made it so that it would only effect the maps vehicles to not interfere with other resources. Hope that sheds some light on this problem.

What puzzles me is that you could see a vehicle in one location while he could see the very same vehicle in some other location. Are you certain that it is the EXACT same vehicle you two are looking at?

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Nah, It's the CDM map that is doing it - as in, the vehicles respawn like BlackDragon said. Nothing to do with CTV. Either way, this isn't a bug of MTA, it's just a legitimate feature of the CDM map - if you stayed on the server and the person joined, they'd see the car exactly where you left it.


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Why not try it the other way around:

1) Put your server up

2) get your internet friend to join

3) get him to spawn a vehicle and move it

4) get him to disconnect

5) you join, see if its in the right place

Maybe its a problem with missing packets or something, not that i really know about the netcode involved in DM.

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Vehicles that are spawned by the admin tool, stay where they where spawned. The 'problem' only occurs to vehicles that are orginally set by the server's mode.

But how is this with CTV mode? The MTA team didnt build an idle spawner in that mode, so the standard vehicles stay there, even when all players leave/rejoin?

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  Aggressor said:
Vehicles that are spawned by the admin tool, stay where they where spawned. The 'problem' only occurs to vehicles that are orginally set by the server's mode.

But how is this with CTV mode? The MTA team didnt build an idle spawner in that mode, so the standard vehicles stay there, even when all players leave/rejoin?

I thought the issue was with CDM?


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  AlienX said:
Why not try it the other way around:

1) Put your server up

2) get your internet friend to join

3) get him to spawn a vehicle and move it

4) get him to disconnect

5) you join, see if its in the right place

Maybe its a problem with missing packets or something, not that i really know about the netcode involved in DM.

if he sees it in the right place after a rejoin then there is no problem with it

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