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Peds/bots and weapon.dat

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I don't think bots are possible... but I thought the same thing so I could be wrong...

bots are possible.. bots ware used in GTA3 if u look trough the mta history and mta history videos they did create bots except they ware not spoused to shoot :D and in the video they did but that wasn't what they waned to use them for...

they ware used for people to chose players so you could spawn as that skin :D

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and editing weapon.dat example: the damage, can use 2 m4.

It's possible to change damage using script, using the onClientPlayerDamage event. For instance:

http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... ayerDamage

And a code snippet modified from the Wiki) which would increase the damage made by every shot of the MiniGun by 20 (not that you'd want to, unless you were insane, but nonetheless) is here:

function increaseMinigunDamage ( attacker, weapon, bodypart ) 
        if ( weapon == 38 ) then --if the weapon used was the minigun 
                setElementHealth ( source, getElementHealth(source) - 20 ) -- don't cancel the damage, as we need any kills to attribute to the weapon/attacker for killmessages! 
addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), increaseMinigunDamage ) 

Using this damage handler it'd even be possible to add health - so you could even have healing guns! Of course, if you were going to do that you'd cancel the damage taking event using cancelEvent - you wouldn't want damage being done to the player, and the issue with the damage attributing wouldn't be there.

Using this event: http://development.mtasa.com/index.php? ... icleDamage it'd be possible to make vehicles behave in the same way - however, it'd have to be a hell of alot more hacky, as the function doesn't report the weapon or the attacker, probably due to the way GTA handles vehicle damage.

And bots are indeed possible - did you see the AI sharks in one of the QA videos?


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