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A few questions about MTA:DM

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i think theoriticly 1. is a no but im not sure, i mean how could u see others car skin? if that happens what happens to the original skin that it took over?

WOOHOO! THANK GOD PEOPLE CANT USE AIMBOT! THANK GOD! but what happens to people that uses USB Controller?

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does that mean you have to upload your moded skin when you enter a server and download the other people's skin when you enter a server? wouldnt that lag the server and if someone has hell lot of skin theyll nvr be able to get into the server and others have to download hell lots of skin?

i mean every skin is like 3 mb now! damn

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If you have played CS or CoD, then you should know how things go...

Let's say you are the server hoster, who made a nice script which uses custom models and such...so you set up your server and the models what's needed to be transferred to the player's client. So player joins, things get downloaded and you can play on the server...

I'm not sure about this but i think this is a similar way how the team made "modding" possible.

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Why is the lock on feature disabled? Without it, shooting moving targets is frustrating, especially if they are circle strafing you. This is just another reason why the numbers of players playing GTA multiplayer mods are dying. With how many hits it takes to kill a player, combat is a f---ing chore! Don't you people learn anything!? A shotgun blast a point blank should almost be an instant kill. It shoudn't have to take a full 17 bullet clip from a 9mm to kill a single person that doesn't even have body armor!

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  TIMMEH! said:
Why is the lock on feature disabled? Without it, shooting moving targets is frustrating, especially if they are circle strafing you. This is just another reason why the numbers of players playing GTA multiplayer mods are dying. With how many hits it takes to kill a player, combat is a f---ing chore! Don't you people learn anything!? A shotgun blast a point blank should almost be an instant kill. It shoudn't have to take a full 17 bullet clip from a 9mm to kill a single person that doesn't even have body armor!

Well, sorry on behalf of the entire community that you can't aim. And who are you to state that a shotgun blast isnt almost an instant kill? Are you a beta tester? Have you actually played it?

I can only explain you in common sense that when everyone would use auto-aim it would get way too easy and the game would get unbalanced and no fun. Auto-aim is something for the consoles because of a lack of keyboard and mouse, on the PC, you have a keyboard and mouse. If you fail to understand that and fail to play the game on a PC, go back to the console.

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