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.:[GG]:. | Grinning Gunmen Clan


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Grinning Gunmen Clan




  • The Grinning Gunmen clan started in the fall of 2005 by leader TheGame.
    He felt the need to start a clan adapted to the gaming world.Finally
    he started the clan.Besides that, We here at the GG community, take a lot of action
    on improving our clan. We always take applictions and try to help
    members,players. Our goal is to not really be the best but just to get
    respect and be known world wide. Respect and teamwork is the key element
    dealing with clans,or games etc.before joining this clan, users fill out an
    application and read the rules aggreing to the written
    statments. Members/users who do not follow these rules/guidelines will be
    banned from any grinning gunmen site,project,server etc. Also, we take apphiliations
    and partner ship very strong. So if you are under our partners list or
    friends with us, we enjoy being apphiliated. Please see rules, and clan
    tags before questions.

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