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this is my new 10 level admin script it has some new features :-

{player commands}

{player commands}

!stats~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a players stats

!points~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a players points

!id~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returns a players id

!visits~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ returns a players total visits to the server

!played ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the ammount of times the the current map has been played

!totalvisits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the total visits the server has had

!totalmaps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the total number of maps uploaded

!playercount ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the total number of players in the server

!mapname ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~returns the name of the current map

!maxping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the servers max ping limit

!ping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a players ping

!info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~server info

!level ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the level of a player

!time ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the time/date in the format day/month/date/time/year ie/ fri sept 14 15:01:23 2007

!rate~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rates the current map

!unrate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~player can remove there own rating

!rating ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~returns the current maps rating

!mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~returns the current mode of a map

!seen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~last time and date a player was seen

!url/website ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~returns the url for the website

!serverip/sip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~returns the server's ip address and port

!commands~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~all the commands

!admin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the current online admins

!- ~~~~~~~~~the player can use commands added by the admin

!bank/money/cash~~~~~~~~~~ a players total cash, how many loans they have had and how many they have paid back, how much cash they have in there bank

!cashin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~allows a player to cash money in to the bank

!bankcash~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the total ammount of cash in the bank

!withdraw~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the player can withdraw money from there bank

!buydmwins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buy 5 dmwins

!buyracewins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buy 5 racewins

!buypoints~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buy 60 points

!bankloan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~take a loan out (max loan can be configured in the controle pannel)

!repayloan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~repays a loan if they dont before the player quits next time they join its double the ammount of what the loan was.

!buymap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a player can buy a map and everytime its played the player gets money

!buyfreeze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a player can buy freeze and then use it to freeze themself of another player

!myfreeze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~it alows a player to use there freeze if they bought one

!mymaps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it shows the ammount of maps a player has bought

!buyitems~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ all the items that come in the script

{admin commands}

!add~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adds you as the main admin level 10 (but you must be in the mta.config file as level 1 for the commands to work)

!idlist~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a full pm of all the players id

!ban~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bans the name or id of a player

!kick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kicks the name or id of a player

!freeze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~freezes the name or id of a player

!unfreeze ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ unfreezes the name or id of a player

!mute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mutes the name or id of a player

!unmute ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~unmutes the name or id of a player

!random/map ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~starts a random map

!changemap~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~changes the map to a name specified

!addping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adds a maxping

!slr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~restarts the script

!rerun ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~reruns the current map

!remrate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~removes any players rating

!addallmodes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ allows a admin to set all the map modes as dm/ or race

!addmode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~allows a admin to set single maps as dm/ race

!remmap ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~removes the current map and starts a random one .

!pmalias~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pms a players alias

!alias~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~says in text a players alias

!subalias~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~says in text a players subalias

!pmsubalias~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pms a subalias

!getip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gets a players ip

!getsubip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gets a players sub ip

!addadmin ~~~~~~adds a admin (dont forget to add them as level 1 in the mta.config file)

!addlevel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adds a admin

!remadmin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~removes a admin (dont forget to remove them from the mta.config file)

!addadvert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adds a advert message

!startads~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~starts the adverts

!stopads~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~stops the adverts

!addcmd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~adds a command like lol

!remcmd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~removes a added command like lol

!cmdhelp~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gives the codes used to add a command ie/ pm (pm the text to the player) - text (say the text in text) - player (returns a players nick ie/ DirtBikeRider) - players (returns a players nick with a s on the end ie/ DirtBikeRiders)

will post a link here when i have tested it later on tonight. post as many comments as you can for ideas ;)

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oh, that script looks very nice! :) i will test it today on my servers...^^ ;)

but i´ve got one problem:

we use prs since about 1 year and many people have good stats in that so want to

import these stats.^^ does somebody knows how i can QUICKLY import them... ?

Thanks for fast anwsers


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errm i dont know but will look in to it i will see if you can write all the past stats from hash to ini but im not certain it will work so.....

one more thing i nearly forgot to add you as admin level 10 you must be in the mta.config as level 1 and then type !add to login you use the same was as before /rcon_login but it then and repeat this for all the other admins

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ok you need to get the mta.config you know where that is then look at the bottom of the config for this

# Admin

# Required: No

# Purpose: Defines all the people in-server who can rcon_login to admin

# Format - Admin

# Notes:

# admin-level must not go above 5

# Names and passwords are case sensitive


admin <1> (note this has to be set as number 1 for the 10 levels to work)

then when you go in game with the script type in !add this will then add you as the main admin level 10. to login as level 10 simply type in the text box at the top right /rcon_login

let me know how you have gone on with this :P

Edited by Guest
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ok when you are ingame type in !add if it says that you have already used this command then you need to go in mycomputer/local c/program files/

then to loginin you simply login like /rcon_login pm me the name of the server and i will come and have a look later today when i get back :P

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Really cool script :D

Well done!

But i have some questions..

How can i change maps,freeze,points,etc price?

and when i do !addmode race nothing happens :S

change the points price from the bank tab of the dialog where you input the levels for the commands also you need to type in !add for you to be the main admin level 10. then addmode race will work :) once you have set the levels in the control pannel.

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thanks! It works now :)

other sugestion:

Top points.. top dmwins.. top racewins..top money..

i found one bug :S

[11:52] * Startrace: Success to start race "[DM]just4smash".

[11:52] [iG]BLuE_SySTeM: !buymap

[11:52] * Admin say's to [iG]BLuE_SySTeM: Error: You Dont Have Enough Money To Purchase A Map.

[11:52] [iG]BLuE_SySTeM Has Just Bought [DM]just4smash And When its Played The Bank Gives [iG]BLuE_SySTeM $10 Per Player

[11:52] [iG]BLuE_SySTeM: !money

[11:52] [iG]BLuE_SySTeM's Cash: $-99860 - Loans: - Repayed Loans: - Bank Cash: $0

It said i had no enough money but it bought it anyway :S

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