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Delphi Borland


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Hello! Yes i know how to do some scripting in MIRC based.

But i want to learn Delphi scripting. Im a Admin for

Betafield.de Servers and with there being no H.As there

and them being busy im trying to help out as much as possible

"TheLaus" being our Scripter for Betafield.de Servers

Hasnt much time to make new Commands Ect. So i was wondering

if theres anyone out there who knows how to Script in Delphi :)

please write back!

Greetz :)

(Server IP:| Ports: 22023 - DD/ 22003 - Stunt/ 22013 - Cops vs Robbers vs Taxis.)


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what exactly is it you're asking? from the sounds of it you want to be able to write scripts in delphi.. if that is the case you need to write a program in delphi that can connect to an mta server on the admin port, be able to interpret the packets from the connection and be able to do custom commands.. which i dont think anyone has written as of yet.

Unfortunately, for reasons that are beyond me, the MTA 0.5 admin netcode is not public, so that needs to be worked out by who ever is writing the delphi program.. but don't worry.. its not hard ;)

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