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need help with echo


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ok .. ignore that .. and i apologize - it was last reply in a similar topic , not opening post where i did see your name :oops:

still , a bit more information wont hurt

sa or vc/lc

which scripts are you running already ?

but assuming you dont know much of those answers since you say you need everything

lets take it this way

you obviously need some sort of mta server

you need mirc, and you found that part out as well

you dont need a special mirc server .. connect to any server , create a channel and use that works really well

but it might be more appropriate to use irc.gtanet.com and /join #yourchannelname there

then it depends on what you mean by echo

if you mean the same as everyone else would interpret it - it would be . duplicating things from inside mta to a irc channel where people can read it, maybe even post into the game as well

well .. that part isn't too hard - in the most basic version its just this script

on *:SIGNAL:mta.text:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) $+ : $3-


this duplicates everything a player says into the channel

you do however need the mta.mrc script for it to work and obviously mirc and a mta server running on the same computer

(change #channel in the script to the correct name off course)

however you might want to have other things as well

stuff like

on *:SIGNAL:mta.death:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) Died


on *:SIGNAL:mta.endrace:{

/msg #channel $mta.race($1,$2) finished $2


on *:SIGNAL:mta.startrace:{

/msg #channel $mta.race($1,$2) Started $2


on *:SIGNAL:mta.freeze:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) Frozen


on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) Joined


on *:SIGNAL:mta.mute:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) Muted


on *:SIGNAL:mta.nick:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) changed nick


on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{

/msg #channel $mta.nick($1,$2) Left


talking back is something else tho

i found out only other people connected to the channel can do that, you wont be able to talk back from the same computer+mirc+channel the script runs in to serve other people (obviously thats no problem because on the same computer your running the server and or the mta mirc admin which you can both use for that - let alone the normal remote admin tool)

i fixed it this way

since i dont want any random jack*** to come into the channel and start shouting to the ingame people as "admin says "

a irc channel can be protected/configured in several ways. one way is to have people as normal user and 'administrators' as so called irc operators.. or OP's for short

basically .. if anyone is a operator and talks in the channel - in this way - everything he says gets copied to mta

and i made a few commands too :)

i also had trouble with the $1 .. invalid server id bit .. i just used the fixed value 1 since i only use it for 1 mta server that is connected on the first tab in mta:ma

on 1:text:*:#channel:{

if ( $nick isop #channel ) { <--- check if person is operator

if ( !commands isin $1 ) {

/msg #channel !kick, !(un)freeze, !(un)mute, !restart <--- command to get command list


elseif ( !kick isin $1 ) { <--- several commands

mta.kick 1 $2


elseif ( !freeze isin $1 ) {

mta.freeze 1 $2


elseif ( !unfreeze isin $1 ) {

mta.unfreeze 1 $2


elseif ( !mute isin $1 ) {

mta.mute 1 $2


elseif ( !unmute isin $1 ) {

mta.unmute 1 $2


elseif ( !restart isin $1 ) { <--- sometimes the script i use crashed and this gave way to

mta.text 1 Reconnecting MTA:mA. <--- the admins to reset the script when i wasnt home

mta.disconnect 1

mta.connect 1

.timer 1 1 mta.text 1 Reconnected


else mta.text 1 $nick $+ : $1- <--- if no command used : copy text said by operator to game



--- oh .. and the ingame chat will show

admin: nick: text ..


admin: text

- i made this in this way because i got tired of guessing which admin said what ;) - but feel free to remove " $nick $+ : "

i've found another one by via this post and i have something dodgy i once made ;)here

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since mirc is mainly a communication (chat) tool - but with the ability to run scripts and connect to other things too - the first thing should be fairly obvious by now


a running mta server

mirc installed

mirc script - like mta:ma for san andreas- that allows you to connect to the server

then you start the mirc script

if you have the right settings in the server configuration file and in the mta:ma script - connect

oh ... you might want to start at the part where you read the readme / faq / installation guide / etc

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