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Help for create a command !buy freeze


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veiled the script which I would wish:

(I do not arrive has to make it lol) it is that L (have can buy to freezes for freezer the other players during 5 seconds.

The order would be! buy freeze and pouse to use it:

!use freeze

the price of the freeze would be 850 $.

Another thing as, it is as have can buy it that every 120 seconds.

Veiled! and a last thing, I would like that if possible, script is not has to insert in the PRS, bus if not I would not be how to take to me there, I would like that it is in a file .ini has share =).

Thank you very much!

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on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
if ($3 == !buyfreeze) buy.freeze $1-
alias buy.freeze {
 var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($gus.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1))
 if (%a == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error! Type $3 
 elseif ($pgs.money($1,$2) < 850) mta.pm $1 $2 Not Enough Money, Price Is 850$!
 elseif (%a == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error! - You cannot buy freeze for yourself!
 else {
   mta.text $1 /me $mta.nick($1,$2) has bought freeze for $mta.nick($1,%a) at 5 seconds!
   !writeini -n money.ini MONEY $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($readini(money.ini,MONEY,$mta.nick($1,$2)) - 850)
   mta.freeze $1 %a
   !.timer 1 5 mta.unfreeze $1 %a
   !.timer 1 5 mta.text $1 /me $mta.nick($1,%a) has just unfreezed!

Edit it whatever u want...

(This script has been token from SHS, and it will be in SHS when it will be released!)

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thank you for your answer!

but its does not go: S, I have to recopy the code, I put it in a textual file, I have to record in .ini, I charged it, but when I make !buy freeze, it does not detect the order!

euh if not, you said that I was to edit, I does not know if its comes from its, but if it is its, that must I edit ?

PS: it is for mta: its, I does not know if its comes from its ^^

Thank you

PS 2 : what is SHS ( im french =) )

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ahhh if it is good it goes,

I have to record it in .mrc and it is good! on the other hand there is a bug: when I makes! buyfreeze ,

his known as whom it is made freeze etc..

but I does not lose money, it is free!

where is the error?

Thank you.

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i said in my post :

the script is ok

BUT when i use the command : !buyfreeze , it s ok too ..

BUT but I do not pay anything ! it s free !

exemple : Sky cash 1000 (!buyfreeze price : 100)

Sky say : !buyfreeze player

Admin : player was freeze for 5 sec

Admin player was unfreeze

Sky say : !cash

Admin : Sky cash : 1000

help :(

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elseif ($pgs.money($1,$2) < 850) mta.pm $1 $2 Not Enough Money, Price Is 850$! 

In $pgs.money($1,$2) put into pgs.money where your money is based. etc. gus.money and stuff... and put it into script, so it will read how much money you got.

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and this should be edited too:

!writeini -n money.ini MONEY $mta.nick($1,$2) $calc($readini(money.ini,MONEY,$mta.nick($1,$2)) - 850) 

edit money.ini and MONEY and out right places...

Note: If this is too difficult, please give me your scripts, so i can make it work... :)

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mm... It should works =S take a look of script, find text !buycommand, and try to edit that where money is based, i dont know even sh1t about hash tables, cause i have made script whole my life with !writeini, so pgs.sub at yourselfff... :lol::lol::lol:

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