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hi ,I saw on a server that any player can set his own message using a command like !setreply ..well,basically this command act like !setreply [text] ...and the text which u type..all can see if they spell your name with ! infront..like !blabla .. so how should this kind of script would look like? :D

Regards , :)

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oh and btw ..a command can't be official..any server has the ability to support any script(and I can write the command like anything else..if it disturbs you because it's "official") ...and you don't have to tell me that this forum has got Search option..I know this ..I am not so dumb.. and I need a script..not an information on how to use search...

well thank you !

and btw I didn't find anything regarding to this on search..

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and!! what is regarding to what I am asking!!! ?? ...I say a command which is set by a player..like !setreply, and after u use this command..you will have your own command..LIKE A PLAYER..that link u gave me it is for !addcom..I have that script already (thx) ..and it sets an command for admin example !addcom !cheat All cheaters will be banned..is not regarding to what I say because it is admin command.

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I suppose there is one plus to this, we're obviously good enough that people gosta try an copy us ;)


NeO is the only PRO clan with his own NICE SUPA server ;D

And no one, and i mean NO ONE can make it so nice :D

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Sadly, scripts are just scripts,

someone once made a command that did !stats, does it matter that everyone else made a similar thing?

u cant expect that people dont copy other ideas, especially if theyre useful.

just coz u thought of the idea, doesnt make it urs :wink:

however, its nothing special... and if u wanna keep it to ur server thats fine with me.

if a load of people ask for it, someone will make it tho.

after all, its just a few lines of scripting.

I remember making an RPG for VC, only to later find, in another server, an almost identical script was being made.. the exact commands, wording etc...not much i or anyone can do about it tho.

U have ur claim to say u made it first...

sadly untill someone copys it, thats about it.

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Which is why we're always coming up with new Ideas to etc, keeping our servers as unique as possible and obviously, not handing out any of our scripts/maps etc.

But when we see people trying to replicate our features it's kinda annoying =\ anyway, this guy wont get anymore of our ideas that's for sure ;) aint that right wireless/roberto? :P

I just think people should be able to use their own minds and come up with their own ideas, and if need be, get help with making those ideas reality rather than copying/replicating what someone elses work? =\ and no it's more than a few lines lol :P well ours is anywayz :P

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yeah i know its nice to keep ur maps and script as unique as possible, which is ok for those who can. I wont copy it so no worries there.

i could probably make it in a few mins, in a few lines tho. :)

hehe its all good.. as long as it works. good luck in ur server :)

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thanks;) dont mean to sound big headed here or anythng like that but we have been #1 on game-monitor pretty much since we started back in october :o and a few times had server IP changes which reset our stats! >< but back upto #1 eventually :P rocks I tell you, rocks!

Slowly starting to get into this forum a bit more. Don't really know why I didn't sooner really, I been with MTA since like GTA III's version of MTA :o

anyways yea, it's all good =)

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robic (here ad by ur own this one is maded by someone else in an other topic)

on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { 
addcom $1- 
if ($3 == !addcom) { 
if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom 
elseif (!$5) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !addcom 
elseif ($readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$4) != $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Already Created! 
else { 
if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { 
mta.text $1 The command " $+ $4 $+ " has been added! 
!writeini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 $5- 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command! 
elseif ($3 == !remcom) { 
if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !remcom 
elseif ($readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$4) == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Command Never Created! 
else { 
if ($left($4,1) == $chr(33)) { 
mta.text $1 Command " $+ $4 $+ " Deleted! 
!remini -n addcom.ini addcom $4 
else mta.pm $1 $2 You need a "!" infront of your command 
alias Addcom { 
if ($readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$3) != $null) mta.text $1 $readini(addcom.ini,addcom,$3) 

i only toke the admin thingy out it you must change the commands by ur own and you must finger out by ur own how to make the script that u can use wildcards!

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Which is why we're always coming up with new Ideas to etc, keeping our servers as unique as possible and obviously, not handing out any of our scripts/maps etc.

But when we see people trying to replicate our features it's kinda annoying =\ anyway, this guy wont get anymore of our ideas that's for sure ;) aint that right wireless/roberto? :P

I just think people should be able to use their own minds and come up with their own ideas, and if need be, get help with making those ideas reality rather than copying/replicating what someone elses work? =\ and no it's more than a few lines lol :P well ours is anywayz :P

oh I just asked for the script..why is that annoying?

p.s: that is not an alias..is another computer because I can't use the same names ..with same IP obiviously.

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