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Urgent question for Scooby

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Yo Scoob, I don't want admins to change maps all the time, but they are allowed to change to a random map when the server doesnt load a new one. Is it possible to do that without the !changemap random thing but just !random ? Cause when I do !random it just tells a random map but doesnt change. And is it possible to put it in the script by myself? I don't really have the time to wait for PRS 1.3 with that command.. And anohter cool command for admins: !nextmap will change the map to the givin map at the end of the round. Really really thanks for this mate! :D You really help me alot!

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ok erm... im not entirely sure what u mean, theres no way of only allowing admins to change maps if the server doesnt load one,

but if u want !random to change to a random map?

hmm the easiest way is to just use !map or !changemap to do the same thing and remove the word random altogether.

to do this:

goto line 271

u should see this:

       if (!$4) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Specify A Map Name
       elseif ($4 == random) {

change it to:

       if (!$4) {

also while u have it open, change line 270 to this:

     if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= $prs.startmap($1)) {

hehe seems i left some useless code in there, dont worry, it doesnt work.

ok and im guessing that !nextmap command was something for 1.3?

not a prob, i'll add it for u.

progress is going ok:)

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ok..here... goto line 71,


 elseif (!rand* iswm $3) mta.text $1 Random Race: $hget(prstemp,randomrace)


   elseif ($3 == !random) {
     if ($mta.level($1,$2) >= 4) {
         mta.text $1 Starting A Random Map - $hget(prstemp,randomrace)
         mta.startrace $1 $mta.races($1,$hget(prstemp,randomrace))
     else insuf $1 $2

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