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Can't select 2 objects that are floating.

Guest Copilot

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I am just about finished my map but I have 2 objects stuck in the air. One is a gate and the other is a pink fence. When I am in map edit mode I put the crosshair thing on it and it doesn't reconize anything there. I have over 250 objects so I don't want to do through every single one and find it. Is there another way to delete them?

These are the objects here. http://uploader.ws/upload/200704/MTAmapstuckobject1.jpg


If anyone could help that would be awesome.


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LoL i cant se the picture's... maybe some objects can't be removed! have that problem in my first map whits many fences.. When i was trying to delete them i culdnt delet.. so i was doing it in the objects menu :/

Try get the pitures up going so i can help you better :)

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