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Some help configurating my server

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Ok, I know how to do everything and all. But there are somethings that are wrong I can't figure out with my server. First of all, when the server starts up, I get some Anti Cheat errors...


I am using Windows. Everything else is good but that. It's even Enabled it will still say its disabled. Also a few more things. In the MTA Remote Admin I put in all the correct information. But what do I put under host? I have tried IP and all.

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1) Judging by that error about the anti cheat file, it looks as though it could not find the definition update on the web which would most likely be a problem with the master server rather than your computer. I don't believe there have ever been any updates to it anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

2) If the server is on the computer that you are connecting to with remote admin, use localhost or as the hostname. If it's on another computer on your LAN, use the LAN IP (usually begins with 192.168 or 10.0).

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Hmmm you want to connect to admin?

1) Dont cear about that you cant only download a anti cheat file! :P

2) Hmm. You want to connect to your server ? remote admin? Are you using General use scripts ? to go on Admin! Hmm when i tryed to find my "Local Ip" It was that i did use to go on my server and to go like admin :P You must Click here :)

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Hmmm you want to connect to admin?

1) Dont cear about that you cant only download a anti cheat file!

2) Hmm. You want to connect to your server ? remote admin? Are you using General use scripts ? to go on Admin! Hmm when i tryed to find my "Local Ip" It was that i did use to go on my server and to go like admin You must Click here

No you dumbfuck. I have tried my local IP and I already know how to find it. And yes, I do want to use the Remote Admin, wtf else would I be asking for help about it on? :roll:

btw... PS3 Sucks balls

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Hmmm you want to connect to admin?

1) Dont cear about that you cant only download a anti cheat file!

2) Hmm. You want to connect to your server ? remote admin? Are you using General use scripts ? to go on Admin! Hmm when i tryed to find my "Local Ip" It was that i did use to go on my server and to go like admin You must Click here

No you dumbf*ck. I have tried my local IP and I already know how to find it. And yes, I do want to use the Remote Admin, wtf else would I be asking for help about it on? :roll:

btw... PS3 Sucks balls

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