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New to MTA - Starting Error

Guest clgaust

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I just bought GTA-SA for PC and installed it. Then installed MTA:SA v1.0

I run MTA:SA, and when it starts a window pops up saying..


MTA:SA - Error Reporting Tool

MTA:SA encountered an unrecoverable error and had to exit. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Error sending report! (Parsing response failed)


i press OK and it quits.

I read another post with something similar to this but that didn't help me out.

**I'm living in australia which i heard gets a problem or something when it comes to MTA.

thnx - Clgaust

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kk downloading it as i write this. Although reading through the topic u sent didnt mention Australia. just USA, European and German.

When this has downloaded, will I be able to get MTA working?

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