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Help Please :D


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I made an AFK script,!afk, !back, if in the ini is written: Raoul=1 you are afk if Raoul=0 you are not, now i want if you are afk (Raoul=1) and you say something, the will say you are afk and you cant talk because you are afk... I couldnt get it to work. Can some one help me please :D

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on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
 if (!away iswm $3) {
   %a = $readini away.ini Away $mta.nick($1,$2)
   if (%a == 1) mta.pm $1 $2 You are already set to away
   else {
     mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) is away
     !writeini away.ini Away $mta.nick($1,$2) 1
 elseif (!back iswm $3) {
   %a = $readini away.ini Away $mta.nick($1,$2)
   if (%a == 0) mta.pm $1 $2 You are already set to back
   else {
     mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$2) is back
     !writeini away.ini Away $mta.nick($1,$2) 0

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