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Hey everyone (by eAi)


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Well, its really quite busy at the moment here, we're still working hard on the editor too! We had a quiet period a for a couple of weeks, but over the last few days we've really got a load of good work done. As anyone who has worked on a mod will know, people's spare time (and motivation) can change a lot, without warning, so its really great when everyone is around and doing something.

Sadly, we're not going to make a Christmas release, the editor is taking a bit longer than expected (what doesn't!), but the outcome is a new feature that has a huge amount of potential, so I think its worth it.

The QA team have been working hard on some stuff to give you all as a Christmas present. You'll find out about a whole raft of features we've not yet announced or shown off. Hopefully it'll be done by Christmas day - watch this space!

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I hope the surpise is special QA-team MTA-accounts for everybody with the nickname "The Beyond"



Hooooly night

Saaaaacred night.

Go use the caps

without the light

And then feel the pain that i felt

And then go shoooot yourself.

Angels blast us with cooookieees.

Angels blast us with cookies...

Anyway back on topic;

I can't wait for that presento magnifico specialicoloco packetogologobagohago, that you have been preparing.

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