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Jesus christ that's some impressive hardware, seems a little bit risky too considering its just a PS2 update, not a new console.... That is gonna cost an absolute shitload. DVD Writer sounds like a good idea though :D

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Jesus christ that's some impressive hardware, seems a little bit risky too considering its just a PS2 update, not a new console.... That is gonna cost an absolute shitload. DVD Writer sounds like a good idea though :D

lol can u say piracy?? ppl will jus rent games and burn em....

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I bought a ps2 'cause i was tired of waiting for Vice on pc.

Consoles are great cause they're pretty much portable,

but if you are serious about games, a good pc beats all.

Now what Sony's sayin that the ps3 might have a dvd writer,

a nice hard drive, and a processor 1,000 times that of the ps2!?!?.

(Cell, that is). Sounds like a good investment, and a Damn

Powerful machine. I think I'll start saving early on this one.

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read it closely, it says playback, not a burner, meaning itll play burnt dvd's , not burn them

and this really doesnt impress me, im an xbox fan, considering its technology passes ps2's by a long shot, espcially with eVoX(Which ill be getting shortly)

no, it will be able t copy tv shows u watch and bun them onto dvd's it can just burn dvd's 2 along with its 120 gig hard drive(i think its that big)

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