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[Thoughts] Servers, Ai Assistant

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Hey there, i wanted to post here about something I've been messing around with a bit, an AI assistant (named Helena after one of CJ's gfs) what makes this one bit special is that it can access in-game data and players' stats, locations and it can also execute any function to retrieve information about the server/player in real time to cut the hustle of having to remember different commands for it, you just ask and the assistant delivers.

Currently in its very very early stages! and it needs some more work, but whats really exciting is that you can use custom functions, like you can write any script then add it to a functions file that Helena can access and there you go it will understand when to use it and how to run the function to return the output without the need for you to use any command handlers or anything.
This assistant uses Groq API (llama model) for fast interactions. using their free plan for quite a generous amount of requests.

I just wanted to have some different thoughts and suggestions about this script, and when it's all done I'm planning to post it here for free so anyone can custom modify it for his own use.

Shot video showcase


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That's pretty interesting. Would love to see what else we can achieve with AI in MTA. Could see this being useful a way to provide support for server players.

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